How dearly did we miss this pleasant nip in the air! Now, that the scorching heat is a thing of past, we cannot wait to indulge in all things hearty and loaded. But beware, this period of season change also brings with it the risk of seasonal infections and flu. This is why it is a good idea to include more hot and soothing dishes in your diet. There are also plenty of foods that could naturally help enhance your immunity during these times. Soup, for instance, could work as an incredible option for a day where you are craving something flavourful yet healthy.
(Also Read: Souping For Weight Loss: All You Need To Know About The Hottest Soup-Only Diet!)
Souping as a trend has picked up immensely in the world of health and nutrition. Clear soup has a good amount of water content, which keeps you full for a longer duration without compromising on calories. You can also experiment as much you want with soups - think: vegetables, leafy greens, meat and all kinds of herb and spices. Yes, spices! Spices have earned a bad rep, but a lot of it is tad unfair. Spices, consumed in excess, could cause gastric problems and heart burn, but if used in moderation they could actually turn out to be a very fruitful addition to your diet. Moreover, adding some of these spices in your soups could also prove to be a superb immunity-boosting combination.
(Also Read:Weight Loss: This Cabbage Soup Diet Promises To Help You Lose 10 Pounds In A Week)

According to Macrobiotic nutritionist and health coach Shilpa Arora, "hot drinks kill infectious microorganisms at the very source so it's recommended to have hot beverages like soups and teas during monsoon as it's the perfect environment for viruses and bacteria to breed. Spices again are extremely sharp and work as adaptogens for the body to fight infection strengthening our immune response. So add Masala like black pepper cinnamon nutmeg ginger and garlic and herbs to your stews and teas for your internal doctor and defence mechanism to be super strong."
Instead of the ready to-eat soup sachets, invest in hot home-made soups. It really does not take much and you do not run the risk of added colour and flavouring. Here is soul-soothing and hearty tomato and peppercorn soup that you can try at home today and give your immunity a natural kick.
About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.