New mothers have to walk a tightrope when it comes to weight management. A new mother requires maximum nutrition compared to any other stage of her life. However, with the extra pounds that she may have put on during her pregnancy, it is important that she eats the right kind of foods. Care should be taken to choose foods that are nutrient dense rather than calorie dense. Aim for a well-balanced diet incorporating a variety of foods.
On the occasion of Mother's Day, Ms Suhasini Mudraganam, Head Nutritionist, Truweight highlights how new mothers can be fit by effectively and safely shedding post pregnancy pounds along with benefits of superfoods.
Milk products: Low fat milk products like yogurt and buttermilk provide much needed calcium for healthy bones and also good quality protein. Yogurts and buttermilk are also good sources of probiotics required for a healthy gut. Choose vitamin D fortified dairy for better calcium absorption and weight loss.

Whole grain cereals and millet: Cut out processed and polished white carbs. Brown rice, quinoa, oats, millets, whole grain breads are nutrients dense and rich in fiber. Whole grains will raise the insulin and blood sugar levels gradually in the blood, which can avoid fat storage.

Leafy greens: Incorporate green leafy vegetables every day into the diet. Greens are rich sources of calcium, iron, folate, vitamin A, C, fiber and other phyto-nutrients. They are low in calories content and high on nutrients and fiber.

Fruits, nuts and seeds: Choose whole fruits or a handful of nuts and seeds that are rich in good fats and protein when hungry. Avoid snacks that have empty calories like biscuits, concentrated fruit juices, colas, etc.

Proteins: Legumes and lean meats are good sources of protein and iron which are essential for a new mother. Protein in the meal makes you feel full for long.
After the body has gone through so much upheaval, it is imperative to take care of it and eat the right foods. This will ensure that energy levels remain high while the body gets back into shape.