Modern-day kitchen appliances have made life infinitely more convenient. We can now whip up entire meals without hassle and using minimal preparation. A number of products, tools and kitchen appliances are helping make every meal a beginner-friendly and fuss-free process. Frozen food, for instance, has become an excellent way to add healthy foods to our diet without the hassle of cumbersome advance preparation. From vegetables to snacks and even meats, there are so many options available in the market today. But what is the ideal way to go about cooking with frozen vegetables? Are there any dos and don'ts to keep in mind?
Frozen vegetables are nothing but vegetables that are peeled, chopped and prepared and frozen in that state in order to preserve them for a longer duration. Thus, this ensures longevity of the vegetables and make sure they are available for use all year round. Further, they also help reduce wastage as we can use up the entire quantity of frozen veggies without it getting spoilt and us having to discard it.
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Frozen food is available in the stores or can be prepared at home too. Photo Credit: iStock
Are Frozen Vegetables Healthy?
Studies have shown that freezing vegetables made little or no difference to their nutritional content. In fact, frozen food is picked when it is in season and has all the good nutrients stocked up inside it. Yes, of course, fresh vegetables would be ideal, but frozen vegetables can also be a great option considering convenience and affordability. So go ahead and enjoy your frozen veggies sans guilt!
How To Cook With Frozen Veggies
Cooking with frozen vegetables can be a tricky affair. It is important to keep certain tips and tricks in mind. Expert chefs suggest some dos and don'ts while cooking with frozen vegetables. This is done to make sure that they are safe to be consumed and make for a healthy addition to the diet.
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Frozen foods can be spotted prominently on supermarket shelves. Photo: iStock
Here Are Some Tips And Tricks To Keep In Mind When Cooking With Frozen Vegetables:
Follow Instructions Carefully
Usually, there are a set of instructions mentioned on the packet itself. Follow these instructions carefully and you will be good to go. For instance, some frozen vegetables are cooked while others are semi-cooked. So, it is a good idea to read the packet carefully before jumping into the cooking process.
Defrosting Versus Heating
Not all vegetables are required to be heated before cooking. Some can simply be defrosted and used in the cooking process! Frozen corn, for instance, can be used simply after washing with room temperature water. Frozen vegetables can also add an element of coolness to dishes like smoothies. This will also help you save up on precious cooking time.
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Small vegetables like corn and peas needn't be defrosted. Photo: iStock
Pay Attention To Cook Time
Do not try to cook all the frozen vegetables together as each vegetable has its own cook time. Frozen carrots and frozen peas, for example, would require different cooking times and methods. Pay close attention to the vegetables in the cooking process to make sure they are not over or undercooked.
Use Microwave
Simply boiling in water is not the only option available for cooking with frozen vegetables. Most microwaves and ovens have defrosting settings available that will prep your frozen veggies in minutes. So, save up on space on your gas stove for other cooking needs and use a microwave for defrosting or thawing frozen vegetables!
About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking to and meeting like-minded foodies (especially the kind who like veg momos). Plus points if you get her bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat at.