Virat Kohli has returned to Delhi to feature in the Ranji Trophy after almost 12 years. The match unfolded at the Arun Jaitley Stadium on Thursday, January 30, as fans turned up in huge numbers to watch the ace Indian batter taking the field against Railways. While Kohli was delighted to make a comeback to his home ground, he chose to eat one of his favourite dishes on the opening day of the Ranji fixture. When the match was underway, chef Sanjay Jha revealed that the former India captain had ordered Chilli Paneer for lunch from the local DDCA canteen.
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Virat Kohli, a proud Delhiite, often expresses his love for North Indian cuisine. He might follow a strict diet and a fixed menu to maintain his fitness. But on the occasion of his homecoming, the 36-year-old ditched the routine to indulge in a plate of sizzling chilli paneer.
In lunchtime Virat Kohli will have chilli paneer ordered from the local DDCA canteen
Chef - Sanjay Jha— रोहित जुगलान Rohit Juglan (@rohitjuglan) January 30, 2025
A day prior to the match, Kohli enjoyed one of his favourite comfort foods Kadhi Chawal with his Delhi teammates and backroom staff during a practice session, Sanjay Jha shared in an interview with Times of India.
“I have been running a canteen for 25 years. He used to order food and eat from our canteen. This is home ground and I am very happy where he is standing right now. His humble nature is visible while talking to us and the waiters today as well,” the chef added.
The lucky chili paneer that Virat Kohli ate for lunch, which was ordered from the local DDCA canteen.
(pc: Rohit Jugland)— desi sigma (@desisigma) January 30, 2025
In February 2023 when Virat Kohli was in Delhi to play a Test match against Australia, he ordered Chole Kulche during the lunch break. In a widely viral video, the batting maestro was seen receiving a food packet from a staff member. After the footage surfaced on the Internet, many assumed that it was Chhole Bhature but Rahul Dravid spilled the beans on the inside story.
“It wasn't Chole Bhature, it was Kulcha Chole. He was tempting me with it, but I said I'm 50 years old, I can't handle so much cholesterol anymore,” the former India head coach said.
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