Food Awards

World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

Aug 19, 2017 10:21 IST
There are a few things in life that will make you cheer up and better worst of situations, good food is certainly one of them. Haven't we heard most talk about the magical powers of a decadent chocolate cake to set the mood right? For many a bite at those steaming hot chicken wings does the trick or just a slice of that cheesy pizza or may be a hot cuppa. If you're beaten up by the sweltering heat out there or just feeling low in general, good food is the only key to your emotional nirvana - cause if you love your food, you know it will love you back more! This World Photo Day, we present to you, fifteen absolutely delicious food pictures which will make your day, we bet your favourite is on the list.
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    There are a few things in life that will make you cheer up and better worst of situations, good food is certainly one of them. Haven't we heard most talk about the magical powers of a decadent chocolate cake to set the mood right? For many a bite at those steaming hot chicken wings does the trick or just a slice of that cheesy pizza or may be a hot cuppa. If you're beaten up by the sweltering heat out there or just feeling low in general, good food is the only key to your emotional nirvana - cause if you love your food, you know it will love you back more!

    This World Photo Day, we present to you, fifteen absolutely delicious food pictures which will make your day, we bet your favourite is on the list.

    For most of us life would be unimaginable without a a cup of tea. There are myriad options to choose from - oolong, white, green, black and even the herbal and fruit infusions.
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile - Regina Brett
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    To me, the smell of fresh-made coffee is one of the greatest inventions - Hugh Jackman
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    You don't need a silver fork to eat good food, says Paul Prudhomme. Just dig in!
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    Nothing like these icy cool sweet nothings on a summer afternoon.
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    A sight that takes our breath away! Oh, those dreamy donuts
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    An all day breakfast option that one can never get wrong.
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    If your mouth is watering by looking at this, sorry to break this to you - you're in a toxic relationship with fries.

    P.S: No need to get over it.
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    A generous blob of jam or marmalade on a toast - simple, little pleasures of life.
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    When happiness comes packed in a box - pizza, please
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    Many shades of ice pops - because nothing beats summer better than these.
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    We simply can't resist those juicy, dreamy, flavourful prawns, can you?
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    For that heartwarming, woolly, fuzzy feeling within - sensational soups
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    A masterpiece in its own right, it is hard to resist this Japanese delight.
  • World Photography Day 2017: 15 Food Snaps That Will Boost Your Mood

    These can aptly be called drums of heaven!
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