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Yogurt Recipe


Stop buying the packaged yogurt that are full of preservatives. Learn how to make smooth and creamy yogurt at home.

  • Total Cook Time 20 mins
  • Prep Time 10 mins
  • Cook Time 10 mins
  • Easy

Ingredients of Yogurt

  • 2 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 tsp yoghurt (as a starter)

How to Make Yogurt

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Boil the milk and transfer it into the container in which the yoghurt is to be set. A ceramic bowl is best.
Cool the milk to a luke warm temperature-a drop of it on your wrist, should feel neither hot nor cold. The temperature of the milk is important.
Beat the teaspoonful of yoghurt till smooth, add 2 Tbsp milk to it and mix well. Add this to the rest of the milk and stir with a spoon to mix well.
Cover the container and keep in a draught-free place to set.
Do not move the container while the yoghurt is setting.
Once set, place the yoghurt in the refrigerator to chill before serving.
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