If you are looking for recipes that are delicious yet very nutritious, here we bring you a list of 5 mixed veg recipes to your rescue.
While only one recipe is popular, we have found 5 delicious and exciting ways we can make the classic mixed veg even tastier.
Make mixed vegetables differently by taking inspiration from traditional recipes from various states of India.
Mixed Vegetable Curry: Mixed vegetable curry recipe gives a slight modification to the dry mixed vegetable dish. It is a potpourri of different flavours and colours from a host of healthy vegetables.
This mixed veg coconut gravy is a flavourful and healthy dish you need to try. Check out the recipe below.
Now, we know that a mixed vegetable sabzi sounds too plain and boring to make. But when you make this in the Dhaba style, there is nothing better than that lip-smacking flavour!
A medley of assorted vegetables, this dish frequently graces the menus of weddings and family dinners. While some might dismiss it as ordinary, a small twist can transform this humble dish into a flavour-packed delight.
Want a simple and flavourful mixed veg dish? Then you need to try Oriya-style Santula. Find an easy recipe below.
Chorchori recipe: This mix vegetable sabzi is a delicious side dish for any meal. We have got a super delicious recipe for you.