Food Awards

Raita For Weight Loss

Raita For Weight Loss - 8 News Result(s)
  • 5 Easy-To-Make Raitas For Weight Loss
    5 Easy-To-Make Raitas For Weight Loss

    Raitas make for a delightful side dish in summer. They are versatile and low in calories, making them perfect for weight loss.

  • Weight Loss: Try This High-Protein Flaxseed Raita To Boost Digestion
    Weight Loss: Try This High-Protein Flaxseed Raita To Boost Digestion

    Raita is made using thick yogurt, which is then mixed with a variety of vegetables, seeds, fruits and spices. Here is a delicious, healthy flaxseed raita that you can try at home.

  • Indian Cooking Tips: 3 Quick And Easy Tips To Thicken Raita And Make It Creamier
    Indian Cooking Tips: 3 Quick And Easy Tips To Thicken Raita And Make It Creamier

    The raitas that we get at restaurants usually have a thick consistency. Be it fried boondi or fresh cut onion and tomatoes, raitas taste the best when there's a slight crunch in them.

  • Watch: Make Mooli (Radish) Raita As A Healthy Side Dish For Your Meals (Recipe Video Inside)
    Watch: Make Mooli (Radish) Raita As A Healthy Side Dish For Your Meals (Recipe Video Inside)

    This mooli raita will not only enhance your meal but will also provide you with many health benefits. Just like all other raitas, this one too is very quick and easy to prepare.

  • Pahadi-Style Cucumber Raita Recipe: The Delicious And Effective Way To Shed Kilos
    Pahadi-Style Cucumber Raita Recipe: The Delicious And Effective Way To Shed Kilos

    Pahadi Cucumber Raita Recipe: Bored of having plain raita? It's time to spice things up a little and give this pahadi-style cucumber raita a try.

  • Summer Diet Tips: Try These 2 Healthy Palak Raita Recipes To Beat The Heat
    Summer Diet Tips: Try These 2 Healthy Palak Raita Recipes To Beat The Heat

    Summer Diet Tips: Raita is a curd-based condiment, which is one of the most popular dishes of Indian cuisine. No Indian food lover can imagine eating dal chawal, kebabs, khichdi or biryani without raita.

  • Make Creamy Avocado Raita To Enjoy Your Meals With This Unique Side Dish (Recipe Inside)
    Make Creamy Avocado Raita To Enjoy Your Meals With This Unique Side Dish (Recipe Inside)

    Here, we attempt to make another variation of raita that is creamier, yummier and healthier!

  • Watch: Amp Up Your Meal With This Chef's Special Tomato-Onion Raita
    Watch: Amp Up Your Meal With This Chef's Special Tomato-Onion Raita

    This particular chef's special recipe includes some simple ingredients like yogurt, tomato, onion, coriander leaves, green chilli and spices like cumin, red chilli and salt.

Raita For Weight Loss - 1 Web Stories Result(s)
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    This Winter-Special Bathua Raita Recipe Is A Must-Try
    Jan 27 2025
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