Food Awards

Ariana Eunjung Cha


Content by Ariana Eunjung Cha

    • Study Suggests Formula For Physical Activity: 8 Hours of Sitting Means 1 Hour of Exercise

      According to a study published in The Lancet, all is not lost. You may be able to "make up" for your increased risk of death due to a sedentary lifestyle by engaging in enough physical activity.

    • Coffee Itself Isn't Cancerous, But Watch Out for 'Very Hot' Beverages: WHO

      Now before you start ordering that second steaming cup, it's important to know that the WHO report wasn't all good news.

    • Why It's a Bad Idea to Take Food Advice From Celebrities

      For many American teens, the stars of pop music are like gods. They want to dress like them, talk like them, dance like them and perhaps even eat like them.

    • Is 10,000-Steps Goal More Myth Than Science? Study Seeks Fitness Truths

      Stanford cardiologist Alan Yeung has embarked on what may be the most audacious study of exercise in history.

    • The American Diet at Age 1: Bananas, Apples, Fries and Brownies

      The first few months of a child's life are a glorious - and healthful - time for eating. How and when do things go so horribly wrong for so many Americans?

    • Scientists Find Evidence that Alzheimer's 'Lost Memories' May One Day be Recoverable

      A new paper published by MIT's Nobel Prize-winning Susumu Tonegawa provides the first strong evidence of this possibility and raises the hope of future treatments.

    • Health Questions Likely to Yield Unhelpful Responses from Your Phone

      A study looked at how well Siri, Google Now, S Voice from Samsung and Cortana from Microsoft respond to simple questions related to mental and physical health and violence.

    • More Than 73 Percent of Young Adults Suffer From Digital Eye Strain

      A person's risk for eye strain is determined by the frequency and duration of use of such devices, the use of multiple devices simultaneously and the proximity of the screen.

    • What the New U.S. Dietary Guidelines Say About Coffee, Meat and Salt

      The guidelines are the basis of everything from school lunch programs to the diets promoted in bestselling books, but in recent years some scientists have begun to question the one-size-fits-all approach.

    • New Class of Blood Pressure Meds As Effective As Old: Study

      A piece of good news regarding the medications is that ACE inhibitors, as well as many ARBs, are now generic -- meaning that the cost difference is minimal.

    • 'Fat But Fit' May be a Myth, Researchers Say

      Men who weighed in the normal range, regardless of their fitness level, appeared to have a lower risk of death as compared to those who were obese but fit (in the highest quarter of aerobic fitness.

    • Cause of Cancer: Blame it on Genes or Lifestyle Choices?

      Scientists have long agreed that a person's risk of getting cancer comes down to a mix of genes, lifestyle, environment thrown in with some measure of chance. But the relative importance of each factor has never been settled.

    • Diet Study Upends Everything We Thought We Knew About 'Healthy' Food

      If you've ever tried out the latest diet fad only to find yourself gaining weight, scientists now have an explanation for you.

    • Modern Men tend to Overeat Like Cavemen as a Way of Showing off to Women

      Cornell University researchers have found that men tend to eat significantly more - nearly double - when in the presence of the fairer sex.

    • Stand Your Way to Reducing The Odds of Obesity

      A new study published Tuesday shows that people who stand for at least one-quarter of their day appeared to have a significantly lower likelihood of obesity.

    • Cutting Sugar from Kids' Diets Appears to Have a Beneficial Effect in Just 10 Days

      American kids consume an insane amount of sugar - often double or triple the federal recommended dietary guidelines.

    • More Than 23,000 People Wind Up in the ER Each Year Due to Dietary Supplements

      Multi-vitamins, diet pills and energy boosters may not be the harmless substances you think they are. In the first study of its kind.

    • Antioxidants May Give a Boost to Cancer Cells, Study Suggests

      Since the term "antioxidants" made the leap from the realm of biochemistry labs and into the public consciousness in the 1990s.

    • Is 30 Minutes of Exercise a Day Enough? Think Again!

      If you're among those who dutifully carve out 30 minutes a day for the moderate-intensity exercise recommended by experts based on the idea that you're doing all you can for your heart, you're in for some disappointing news.

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