It's no news that evening hunger pangs and overeating are your weight's worst enemies. They arrive without due notice and leave you feeling guilty and bloated. To help you win over this everyday battle we asked Dr. Shalini Singhal, a Delhi-based nutritionist to suggest some foods that are less than 100 calories, delicious and will keep you until you're ready for your next meal. In fact, a lot of dietitians agree that snacking actually helps in keeping your metabolism up, preventing binging and thus, promoting weight loss. These are your perfect go-to snacks that you can reach for whenever hunger strikes and not feel disappointed later. 1. 13 almonds
Almonds are great to snack on in between your meals as they help in curbing your appetite and avoiding other calorie-dense bites. 2. 1 bowl of roasted lentils or sprouts
Roasted lentils or a bowl of sprouts makes for the perfect weight loss snack as they are high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, while low in fat and calories. They fill you up easily and keep you satisfied.
3. 2 medium-sized oranges
Delicious and juicy oranges are not just for breakfast but they are great as snacks too. They are low in energy density which means that you can eat more of them without worrying about your calorie limit and you are also less likely to feel hungry soon.4. 1 small apple
Apple is a great filling, sweet snack. It is packed with a lot of soluble fiber that keeps you full for longer and provides satiety. (Also read: Weight Loss Diet Tip: Why Snacking is Important)
Apples are packed with fiber and provide satiety.5. 2 medium sized guavas
Guavas are one of the best sources of Vitamin C. They satisfy your appetite very easily and also help in regulating your metabolism. Raw guavas are known to have less sugar than other fruits such as apples, oranges or grapes. 6. 45 to 50 raisins
Keep some raisins handy as a mid-morning or late-afternoon snack. They are full of fibre, they speed up digestion and they supply instant energy. So, dote on them whenever you feel a slump.7. 1 banana
Banana is one of the best fruits to eat as a snack. It is full of fiber and low in carbohydrates. It helps in stabilizing your blood sugar levels and prevents feelings of hunger. 8. 1 whole egg
Eggs are great anytime of the day. If you're struck by a sudden hunger pang, reach out for an egg and cook up something interesting. You can go for a simple boiled egg (which has the least calories) or opt for a scrambled egg with veggies. (Also read: 5 Ways in Which You Can Use Eggs to Lose Weight)
Eggs are great anytime of the day. Photo Credit: Istock9. 40 grams of grilled chicken or fish
Lean protein in the form of grilled chicken or fish is great for weight loss. It really helps to have a high-protein snack after your workout session. Protein is great for busting hunger as it digests slowly, keeps your blood sugar steady and keeps cravings away. 10. ½ cup of oatmeal
Oatmeal is a fiber rich whole grain that contains no saturated fat. You mix the ½ a bowl of cooked oatmeal with some chopped low calorie veggies like beans, cucumbers and carrots to make a quick snack.
Oatmeal is a fiber rich whole grain that contains no saturated fat. Photo Credit: Istock11. 1 small baked potato
Plain potatoes are fat free and low in calories. It is just the way you prepare them that makes all the difference. You can bake a sliced potato filled with a hung curd and celery mix and some olive oil for a wholesome snack. Fill up without worrying about gaining weight with these easy to make, delicious and healthy snack options that all provide less than 100 calories in one serving.
Almonds are great to snack on in between your meals as they help in curbing your appetite and avoiding other calorie-dense bites. 2. 1 bowl of roasted lentils or sprouts
Roasted lentils or a bowl of sprouts makes for the perfect weight loss snack as they are high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, while low in fat and calories. They fill you up easily and keep you satisfied.
3. 2 medium-sized oranges
Delicious and juicy oranges are not just for breakfast but they are great as snacks too. They are low in energy density which means that you can eat more of them without worrying about your calorie limit and you are also less likely to feel hungry soon.4. 1 small apple
Apple is a great filling, sweet snack. It is packed with a lot of soluble fiber that keeps you full for longer and provides satiety. (Also read: Weight Loss Diet Tip: Why Snacking is Important)

Guavas are one of the best sources of Vitamin C. They satisfy your appetite very easily and also help in regulating your metabolism. Raw guavas are known to have less sugar than other fruits such as apples, oranges or grapes. 6. 45 to 50 raisins
Keep some raisins handy as a mid-morning or late-afternoon snack. They are full of fibre, they speed up digestion and they supply instant energy. So, dote on them whenever you feel a slump.7. 1 banana
Banana is one of the best fruits to eat as a snack. It is full of fiber and low in carbohydrates. It helps in stabilizing your blood sugar levels and prevents feelings of hunger. 8. 1 whole egg
Eggs are great anytime of the day. If you're struck by a sudden hunger pang, reach out for an egg and cook up something interesting. You can go for a simple boiled egg (which has the least calories) or opt for a scrambled egg with veggies. (Also read: 5 Ways in Which You Can Use Eggs to Lose Weight)

Lean protein in the form of grilled chicken or fish is great for weight loss. It really helps to have a high-protein snack after your workout session. Protein is great for busting hunger as it digests slowly, keeps your blood sugar steady and keeps cravings away. 10. ½ cup of oatmeal
Oatmeal is a fiber rich whole grain that contains no saturated fat. You mix the ½ a bowl of cooked oatmeal with some chopped low calorie veggies like beans, cucumbers and carrots to make a quick snack.

Plain potatoes are fat free and low in calories. It is just the way you prepare them that makes all the difference. You can bake a sliced potato filled with a hung curd and celery mix and some olive oil for a wholesome snack. Fill up without worrying about gaining weight with these easy to make, delicious and healthy snack options that all provide less than 100 calories in one serving.