Green tea is one of the most popular beverages around the world. It originated in China but has now captured the imagination of millions across the world due to its many health benefits. Most of us like sipping on some warm green tea, but often what you make may not taste all that great. If that happens to you, well, chances are you are not doing a good job brewing it. Green tea leaves are delicate and need to be brewed the right way to get the best flavours out.Green tea is derived from Camellia sinensis leaves and does not undergo any oxidation process; the same process that is used to make Black Tea and Oolong Tea. As a result, green tea is packed with anti-oxidants and make it a much healthier drink to sip on. These days, rows and rows of shelf-space is dedicated to many varieties and flavours of green tea. There’s lots to pick from – Chamomile, Tulsi, Honey, Peppermint, Jasmine and more. But before you head to the superstore, it will be a good idea to get your basics right.How to make a perfect cup of green tea?
Making the perfect cup of green tea involves just a few steps. It is easy but you need get the basics right. Unlike our everyday chai, green tea is never made with milk. You could add a few drops of honey for flavor, though.
How much green tea should you use per cup?
The first point to think about is the quantity of green tea that you need to use. The thumb rule is 1 teaspoon of tea leaves to 1 cup of water. If you are using teabags, then 1 teabag per brewed cup is fine.How long should you steep the tea leaves in the cup?
Never let the tea leaves steep in the hot water for very long. 2-3 minutes, usually works just fine.
For lighter concoctions you could reduce the time even further. However, anything more than 3 minutes will give you a bitter-tasting cup of tea.What kind of strainers can you use?
If you want to use tea-leaves and not teabags, then there are several options available in the market these days. You could use a regular looking strainer – similar to the one used for straining ‘chai’ – just make sure the mesh is really fine. A mesh with large holes will make the smaller pieces of leaves pass through too. You also have the option of using a strainer that you could dip into the cup. This is especially good to carry to work.

1. Take a cup of water and heat it till it is about to boil.2. Take a strainer and measure and put 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves in it.3. Pour hot water into the cup through the strainer. Pour till the bottom part of the strainer is immersed in hot water. If you are using a teabag, then dip tea bag directly into the cup of water.

4. Take the strainer away (or the teabag) in 2-3 minutes and take a sip to check if this is how strong you would like it to be. If you are making this for someone else, then use a spoon to check the flavor!5. Steep again for 30 seconds if you feel the tea needs to be stronger.Follow these steps a few times. Very soon you will know exactly how to make the kind of green tea that you like. Sip away and reap the many benefits of green tea!