If you are a coffee lover, you might always be on the lookout for the perfect way to brew the best coffee in the world. The aroma of a well-brewed coffee soothes your soul and makes your day. But shelling out a lot at a high-end cafe for the perfect brew can be an expensive affair. Fret not, we have the perfect solution for this. If you want to make the best coffee at home, invest in a good quality French Press. Here, we will show you how to use a French Press properly.
What is a French Press? Can you brew any type of coffee in a French Press?
French press is a cylindrical pot with a plunger and built-in filter screen that presses hot water through ground coffee. What makes the French press unique is the fact that it uses no paper filter, so you can extract more oils from the coffee beans. For the unversed, the natural oil in coffee beans helps you differentiate the varieties from one another.
Also Read: Coffee For Weight Loss: Benefits Of Black & Green Coffee; 5 Coffee Recipes For Weight Loss
All you need to do is get good quality coffee ground, prepared to be used in French Press and brew yourself a hot cuppa in no time.

Photo Credit: iStock
How To Use A French Press Correctly :
If you have not used a Fresh press before, chances are you might be worried or find it too complicated. Fret not, we got you covered. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to make aromatic coffee using a Fresh press.
1. Place the French press on your kitchen counter or a table. Hold the handle and pull out the plunger.
2. Next, add a full tablespoon of medium-coarse grinds to the pot per 200 ml of water. Maintain a 1:12 or 1:15 coffee grind-to-water ratio. If you want to make two cups of coffee, add 3 to 4 tablespoons of coffee grinds. You can adjust this ratio based on how you like your coffee, stronger or weaker.
3. Next, pour in the hot water gently and stir. Make sure the water is hot but not boiling.
4. Carefully reinsert the plunger, but do not push it yet. Let it stay above the coffee water for 4-5 minutes.
5. Now, slowly push the plunger down with steady pressure to press the coffee grounds to the bottom of the pot. Your coffee is ready!
Also Read: 9 Best Coffee Recipes | Easy Coffee Recipes
Pro Tips To Remember While Brewing Coffee:
Serve coffee in whichever way you want to enjoy it. You can mix it with mix and sugar, as per your taste. If you are mixing milk, choose a darker roast for French press coffee for fuller flavour.
If there is any leftover, transfer the coffee to a thermos or it may continue to brew in the French press and can get too bitter.
About Jigyasa KakwaniJigyasa finds her solace through writing, a medium she is exploring to make the world more informed and curious with every story published. She is always up for exploring new cuisines, but her heart comes back to the comforting ghar-ka-khana.