Can you imagine going to a restaurant where there is no dessert option in the menu? Or going for dinner to a friend's house and he/she hasn't laid out any ice-cream or cake on the table, at the end of the meal? All of this is quite difficult for your imagination to fathom as desserts are cherished by one and all. Some people ditch the desserts for their respective diets. These people can always help their sweet tooth by picking out desserts which may have some kind of fruit in it. Fruits are filled with natural sugars which are a lot healthier than the artificial sweeteners added in low-fat desserts. One of these sweet fruits is banana.
This article will not just help you explore some delicious banana-based desserts but it may also help you find a healthy alternative to satiate your sweet tooth. Bananas are nature's special gift. If you are famished and can't find anything healthy to eat, gorging on a banana could be rather fruitful because then you would feel full for a longer period of time. Not just that, but you will also be benefited by the powerful antioxidants and nutrients they contain. A banana dessert will please your taste buds and may also turn out to be relatively healthier than other desserts.
Here are a few banana-based desserts:
1) Banana split
This is a classic fruit-based dessert. It has now evolved and is served in several ways but traditionally, it was served as a dish known as boat. Basically, a banana is divided into two halves and then laid out in the dish and scoops of ice creams of same or different flavours are put between the bananas.
(Recipe: Try This Scrumptious Banana Split Recipe)

2) Banana pudding
Southern U.S cuisine boasts of their signature dessert - flavourful banana pudding. Sweet vanilla flavoured custard, cookies and sliced bananas are served in a dish which is topped either by meringue or whipped cream. Meringue is made by beating together the mixture of stiff egg whites and sugar until they are blended well.

3) Banana souffle
Souffle was originated in France during the eighteenth century. A souffle is made by combining beaten egg yolks and egg whites with various other ingredients. These ingredients usually are melted butter, caster sugar, corn flour, plain flour, double cream, full-fat milk and icing sugar. But a banana souffle is a lot easier to make than the regular souffle.
All it requires is unsalted butter, sugar, ripe bananas, fresh lime juice, salt and eggs. This would be tasty as well a healthy alternative for those watching their weight.
(Also Read: Try This Delicious Banana Mousse Recipe)

If you look at these banana-based desserts, they aren't just fruit-based desserts but they are quite easy to put together. These can be a new experiment for you to try, if you are interested in trying out different desserts. They will surely leave you wanting more than just a couple of bites.