Diljit Dosanjh is currently touring India for his ongoing Dil-Luminati concert. While fans are excited to see the singer perform live, Dosanjh has a separate fanbase for his fun Instagram content. The singer delighted his fans with his recently posted vlog from Punjab, capturing a day full of delicious food and fun with his team. As usual, Dosanjh's fun commentary made the vlog extra fun. The clip begins with the global star working out while everyone else has already started eating parathas for breakfast. Like a true-blue Punjabi, he tells himself that he should finish his workout quickly, otherwise no parathas would be left for him. Post-workout, he can be seen eating a paratha and some poha. After breakfast, he enjoys sweet oranges while sitting on a traditional rope cot.
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After playing cricket in the evening, Diljit cooks some Handi Chicken on a traditional clay stove. From veggies to spices, he adds everything to the handi and patiently waits for it to cook. Finally, the yummy chicken is ready and Diljit ends his day happily.
Fans loved the vlog and shared their reactions in the comments section:
"Punjab ki baat hi kuch aur hai," a fan wrote. Another said, "Today's video moral. Eat, drink, have fun friends, but do not hurt anyone."
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Many foodies started craving all the food featured in the vlog. One wrote, "I am craving parathas now," and another added, "Kukkad khaan da jee kar gaya [I feel like eating chicken now]."
"One love language: food," a fan commented.
Diljit Dosanjh is now gearing up for his upcoming show in Bengaluru.