Here we bring you a list of 10 natural foods that should be included in a high blood pressure diet, from spinach and celery to banana and oatmeal.
In many cases, lifestyle changes such as weight loss, sodium restriction and dietary changes have been demonstrated to reduce blood pressure.
Hypertension Diet: Adding certain foods and drinks to your daily diet may help regulate symptoms of hypertension. Add this summer drink to your diet to manage blood pressure.
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is one of the biggest health concerns in the world.
If your blood pressure levels are unchecked and high for a long period of time, it might lead to serious health problems such as heart attack, stroke, heart failure, or even kidney failures.
Diet happens to play a critical role in managing blood pressure. Here are four foods that can help to manage the same.
Spinach and celery juice is a potent wellness-inducing juice that possesses all the characteristics that fit the bill of an ideal hypertension diet.
Blood pressure should be taken care of, especially during summers as it tends to fluctuate more often. We give you tips for your high blood pressure diet with these healthy summer foods
Which foods are best for high blood pressure? Here are 5 winter foods to add to your hypertension diet:
Your high blood pressure diet should be a mix of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. You should look for foods that are enriched with potassium.