A compound found in spinach can slow down fat digestion, leading to reduced hunger and food craving especially in men
Samosas are the one snack that is never enough when you eat them. For your extra cravings and to keep your fried food intake in check, try this baked samosa pie today!
It is important to maintain a healthy diet routine to keep your travel safe and healthy. We bring you some smart ways to plan it properly.
Over eating or excessive intake of food is one of the major reasons of obesity among the masses. People who overeat have a clinical disorder called binge eating disorder.
According to recent study, presented at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition, high junk food intake could be a possible reason for food allergies in children.
Healthy Lifestyle Diet: Ultra-processed foods could sabotage your health goals! Here's how to take a break from ultra-processed foods and work towards your well-being instead.
The marketing of unhealthy foods, via vloggers' Instagram pages, increases children's immediate energy intake.
The study said that students have difficulties eating healthy food and often adopt bad eating habits, leading to stress.
World Heart Day 2019: Controlling junk food intake and adding nutrient and vitamin-rich food in your diet will help you have a young heart throughout life.
A high intake of aluminium compounds may result in neurotoxic developmental disorders, the research revealed.