Varun Dhawan, who is currently in Arunachal Pradesh shooting for his upcoming film, shared Insta-story featuring one of the latest meals from the movie set.
Varun Dhawan shared an image from what looks like a vanity van where he’s seen sipping the beverage while showing off his toned physique
Varun Dhawan shared a picture on his Instagram stories, showing a pretty plate with a slice of blueberry cheesecake.
Varun Dhawan opens up about his diet plan in a recent AMA session on Instagram
Varun Dhawan celebrated his birthday on 25th April. The actor was seen cutting a yummy cake and also had a special dinner menu.
Varun Dhawan is travelling in cold temperatures and he was seen indulging in some delicious fried chicken.
The snap featured rotis paired with gobhi ki sabzi and saag, along with a bowl of dahi and a glass of water.
Varun Dhawan whipped up a mug of coffee at home, and also shared an important message about finding joy in simple things.
The video shows Nitesh Tiwari holding a paper bowl and eating from it.
The actor's Gujarati thali featured an assortment of delicious dishes.