After toiling through the morning at office and filling your stomach with a hefty lunch, the dreadful afternoon slump starts kicking in. Unless you don't fear getting fired, you could sink in your chair for a quick shut-eye or hide in the backseat of your car for a sneaky power nap - except, you can't. So, you slug one cup of coffee after another to keep yourself from dozing off, only to feel guilty later of stacking up your body with caffeine. Of course, when it comes to quick 'pick-me-up' solution, a hot cup of coffee is the first thing that comes to the mind. But, there are a slew of other beverages that are healthier and can uplift your body and mind without that caffeine overkill.
Here Are 5 Energy-Boosting Drinks Other Than Coffee That Can Keep You Going Through Those Lazy Afternoons:
Warm Lemon Water
This one is a cheaper and easy-to-make beverage that will refresh your mind. The antioxidants present in lemon will make you feel and look fresher. It also contains a starchy compound called pectin, which will help in curbing your evening hunger pangs later.

The antioxidants present in lemon will make you feel and look fresher.
A lighter version of juice, a smoothie is part fruit/vegetable, part yogurt and part water. Something you can down the stomach even immediately after a big meal. The vitamins (read: vitamin C) present in the fruits will keep your alert for the rest of the day. Try the sweet berry smoothie or creamy avocado smoothie with honey to treat your taste buds and lighten up your mood.
Also Read: Top 8 Smoothie Recipes

A lighter version of juice, a smoothie is part fruit/vegetable, part yogurt and part water.
Coconut Water
This is the ultimate refreshing drink to have in the middle of a hard day. It restores your electrolyte balance and keeps dehydration at bay. It also improves the metabolism level of the body helping you lose some weight along the way.

This is the ultimate refreshing drink to have in the middle of a hard day.
Wheatgrass Juice
Loaded with anti-inflammatory properties and other minerals and vitamins, wheatgrass juice is the perfect drink to pull yourself out of your sluggishness. The good thing about this drink is that you can simply carry wheatgrass powder to work and just mix it with water to get an instant energy boost.

Wheatgrass juice is the perfect drink to pull yourself out of your sluggishness.
Green Tea
And, if it's only caffeine you are craving for, go for green tea and not coffee or regular tea. Green tea contains much less quantity of caffeine and it releases the caffeine in the body at a slower pace. The amino acids present in green tea build up your concentration power and keep you focussed. Green tea also helps in easy digestion of food, hence, is a great choice post a heavy lunch.
Also Read: Green Tea Taste Test: Which One's The Best

Green tea also helps in easy digestion of food, hence, is a great choice post a heavy lunch.
These non-coffee beverages will not only open your sleepy eyes but will also provide numerous other health benefits. A win-win situation, actually!
About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.