After analyzing the results of their study, experts claim that sleep deprivation may be one of the biggest causes of high-calorie food consumption. The findings of the study were presented at the at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society's annual meeting in San Francisco.To reach this conclusion, a group of participants were allocated different amounts of sleep - either eight hours or fours hours and later their reaction to the aroma of high calorie foods was recorded.
All participants slept for both the given lengths of time separated by a week of normal sleep.
The next day, they were asked to rate the pleasantness and intensity of sweet and savoury snacks like cinnamon rolls and crisps. They were also asked to rate the aroma of non-food items like fir trees. Read also : (A Spice that Cures: 5 Great Benefits of Cinnamon)

Interestingly, it was found that those who were got to sleep for less hours has enhanced brain activity in regard to food smells when compared to those who slept well for at least eight hours every day. The experiment digs deeper into previous research that has linked sleep deprivation with overeating and making wrong food choices.Talking about food choices, certain foods you may like eating before hitting the bed may be actually hampering your sleep. Therefore, it is good to identify them and enjoy them perhaps some other time of the day. Let go of dark chocolates, ice-creams and cheese close to your night time and even having a high-protein meal for dinner. These foods may be ruining your sleep unknowingly and also making you crave the unhealthy the next morning. According to the National Sleep Foundation, a healthy adult needs at least eight hours of good sleep which means that sleep quantity and quality both matter. You should feel well-rested and energized every morning for your brain to function actively through the day.