Food Awards

Fresh Fruit

Fresh Fruit - 10 Recipes Result(s)
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Fresh Fruit - 1 Video Result(s)
  • Fresh Fruit Cake Recipe Video
    • 1:27
Fresh Fruit - 70 News Result(s)
  • Fresh Fruit Helps Prevent Diabetes, Fruit Juice Boosts Risk
    Fresh Fruit Helps Prevent Diabetes, Fruit Juice Boosts Risk

    Eating whole fresh fruit, especially blueberries, grapes, apples and pears, is linked to a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes, but drinking fruit juice has the opposite effect, says a new study.British, US and Singaporean ...

  • Eat Fresh Fruits to Avoid Dehydration
    Eat Fresh Fruits to Avoid Dehydration

    In this scorching heat people are at high risk of dehydration and worse. Apart from drinking lots of water, expert advise is to eat fresh fruits to avoid a heat stroke.When our body loses water, ...

  • Fresh Fruit Cake Movement: Maharashtra Farmers' Innovative Bid To Survive Pandemic
    Fresh Fruit Cake Movement: Maharashtra Farmers' Innovative Bid To Survive Pandemic

    The unique movement involving farmers, their families and various organisations of cultivators encourages cakes made locally using fruits.

  • Raw Mango, Mausambi And More: 5 Fresh Fruit Jams You Can Easily Whip Up At Home
    Raw Mango, Mausambi And More: 5 Fresh Fruit Jams You Can Easily Whip Up At Home

    Using pineapples, raw mangos, mausambi and more fruits, you can easily whip fresh jams at home.

  • Fresh Or Frozen: Which Fruits And Vegetables Are Better For Your Health?
    Fresh Or Frozen: Which Fruits And Vegetables Are Better For Your Health?

    According to fitness coach Ralston D'Souza, some frozen fruits and vegetables can have more nutrients than their fresh counterparts if they are not used immediately.

  • Eating Dry Fruits May Help Better Your Diet Quality (Study) | 5 Ways To Include Dry Fruits To Your Diet
    Eating Dry Fruits May Help Better Your Diet Quality (Study) | 5 Ways To Include Dry Fruits To Your Diet

    It was also found that people included more nutrients in their diet on the days they ate dried fruits than the days they skipped. However, these findings came with their own set of warnings.

  • This Refreshing 3-Ingredient Kinnow Juice Packs A Punch (Recipe Inside)
    This Refreshing 3-Ingredient Kinnow Juice Packs A Punch (Recipe Inside)

    Kinnow is also a fruit which is enriched with plenty of Vitamin C goodness, and its juice can benefit the body in a number of ways.

  • Seven Portions of Fresh Fruits & Veggies for Long Life
    Seven Portions of Fresh Fruits & Veggies for Long Life

    For a long and healthy life, eat at least seven portions of fresh fruits and vegetables, suggests a study that could lead to a change in dietary recommendations in some countries. Eating fruit and vegetables ...

  • Why Are Milkshakes Not the Best Idea According to Ayurveda
    Why Are Milkshakes Not the Best Idea According to Ayurveda

    Love milkshakes? The goodness of freshly cut fruits blended with the ever so nutritious milk, think there cant be a concoction as healthy as this? Think again.

  • 11 Sinful Desserts You Won't Believe Are Made Without Sugar
    11 Sinful Desserts You Won't Believe Are Made Without Sugar

    These wonderful desserts are so indulgent that you won't realize that they contain no sugar. These sugar free recipes make use of dry fruits and fresh fruits to impart natural sweetness or healthier sugar alternatives ...

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