Food Awards

Diabetes And Food

Diabetes And Food - 11 News Result(s)
  • Ayurveda For Diabetes: 4 Diabetic-Friendly Recipes To Try
    Ayurveda For Diabetes: 4 Diabetic-Friendly Recipes To Try

    For diabetics, it is imperative to constantly monitor their diet and medication to keep their blood sugar levels in control. Diabetes is one of the major lifestyle diseases, which is affecting millions of people in ...

  • Diabetes: Resistant Starch Benefits And Foods That May Help Lower Glucose Levels
    Diabetes: Resistant Starch Benefits And Foods That May Help Lower Glucose Levels

    Diabetes Diet: Resistant starch is a type of starch that is not digested in the upper digestive tract and a small part of it remains in the gut unchanged. Here's why resistant starch rich foods ...

  • Urad Dal For Diabetes: 5 Delicious Recipes To Manage Blood Sugar Levels
    Urad Dal For Diabetes: 5 Delicious Recipes To Manage Blood Sugar Levels

    Urad Dal Recipes For Diabetes: Here are some interesting ways you can incorporate urad dal into your diabetes diet.

  • Oats: The Superfood For Diabetes - 5 Fun Recipes You Must Try
    Oats: The Superfood For Diabetes - 5 Fun Recipes You Must Try

    Oats contain an adequate amount of fibre that helps slow down the digestion process, further regulating the absorption of carbohydrates and sugar.

  • Diabetes Diet: 5 Mistakes To Avoid At Breakfast If You Have Diabetes
    Diabetes Diet: 5 Mistakes To Avoid At Breakfast If You Have Diabetes

    Breakfast is crucial for maintaining the blood sugar levels of your body. Read on to know what to avoid before kickstarting your day with food!

  • 5 Tasty Masoor Dal Recipes To Keep Your Blood Sugar In Check
    5 Tasty Masoor Dal Recipes To Keep Your Blood Sugar In Check

    Masoor Dal For Diabetes: Masoor dal also has a low glycaemic index (GI), making it safe and a healthy choice for diabetics.

  • This Study Says Meat May Raise Diabetes Risk - Here's How To Ease Off Without Sacrificing Flavour
    This Study Says Meat May Raise Diabetes Risk - Here's How To Ease Off Without Sacrificing Flavour

    Is your love for meat putting you at risk? Here's how to cut down and boost your health. Start small with these four easy steps to reduce your red meat consumption.

  • 5 Ways To Practise Mindful Eating When Dining Out To Manage Blood Sugar
    5 Ways To Practise Mindful Eating When Dining Out To Manage Blood Sugar

    Diabetes Management: Dining out doesn't necessarily have to be a stressful activity. You just need to be mindful of certain things, and you'll be able to enjoy your meal without any worries.

  • Can Protein Help Regulate Your Blood Sugar Levels? Expert Reveals The Truth
    Can Protein Help Regulate Your Blood Sugar Levels? Expert Reveals The Truth

    Protein is not just about building muscle and managing weight - it can also prevent sudden glucose spikes, ensuring your energy stays balanced throughout the day.

  • Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe For Diabetics? Exploring Their Effects On Blood Sugar
    Are Artificial Sweeteners Safe For Diabetics? Exploring Their Effects On Blood Sugar

    A 2022 WHO report observed modest associations between consuming beverages with artificial sweeteners and conditions like cholesterol abnormalities and high blood pressure.

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