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Content by Health Day News

    • Too Much or Too Little Sleep Tied to Memory Problems in Older Women

      Seniors who slept too little or too much during midlife or after are at increased risk for memory problems, as are those whose sleep habits changed over time, a new study suggests.Researchers looked at more than 15,000 women, 70 and older, who took part...

    • Severe Obesity in Teens Tied to Possible Kidney Problems

      Nearly one-fifth of severely obese teens have poor kidney function, a small new study suggests. The study included 242 severely obese teens taking part in research on weight-loss surgery.Seventeen percent of the teens had protein in their urine, which...

    • Smoking, Drinking Combo Raises Odds For Esophageal Cancer

      People who smoke and drink are nearly twice as likely to develop esophageal cancer as those with only one of those unhealthy habits, a new study indicates.Previous research has shown that smoking and drinking are risk factors for esophageal cancer, but...

    • Kids' Genetic Risk For Obesity Rises With Age, Study Finds

      As children get older, genes appear to play an increasing role in whether some kids become heavier than their peers, a new study indicates.Researchers looked at 2,556 pairs of twins in England and Wales when they were aged 4 and 10. The investigators...

    • Your digestive tract's surface is the size of a studio apartment!

      The inner surface of your gastrointestinal tract is as large as a small studio apartment, or between about 100 and 130 square feet, according to a new study.While that may seem impressive, it's much smaller than previous estimates that put it at between...

    • Do Cow Fertilizers Spread Antibiotic Resistance?

      Manure from dairy cows contains a surprisingly high number of antibiotic resistance genes from the animals' gut bacteria, a new study shows.This is important because manure from cows is widely used as a farm soil fertilizer, and antibiotic resistance...

    • How to Make 'Low-Cal' Menu Options More Palatable

      Many people ignore restaurant foods labeled "low-calorie" because they think they'll be unsatisfying, a new study shows."People have come to expect low-calorie food to taste bad or not fill them up," wrote Jeffrey Parker, of Georgia State University,...

    • More People Worldwide Eating 'Healthy' Fats, Study Finds

      Levels of healthy fats in people's diets worldwide increased over the past two decades, while their intake of harmful fats stayed about the same, a new study finds.Researchers analyzed data on consumption of fats and oils in 266 countries between 1990...

    • How to Keep Your Fitness Goals on Track

      The New Year's resolutions many made to get fit have stalled by now. And one expert thinks that's because many people set their goals too high."The point isn't to become a marathoner in one exercise session or return to your high school athletic glory...

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