Food Awards

James Ramsden


Content by James Ramsden

    • Why We Never Get Fed Up of Our Favourite Restaurants

      Hunger for novelty is being blamed for the closure of another top eatery Knightsbridges Racine but the statistics suggest the majority of us troop to the same places every time we eat out. Perhaps its only because we fancy the staff

    • How to Make the Most of Your Christmas Leftovers

      Transform your Christmas dinner leftovers into delicious modern dishes to excite even the most jaded palate.

    • What Should You do With All Your Old Spices?

      A recent survey suggests that there are millions of pounds' worth of unused spices sitting on our shelves. What should you do with those dusty jars of cumin, coriander and cayenne?We called it the "Ottolenghi effect". Where once our spice cupboard was...

    • Seasonal Eating: Does it Matter?

      A BBC poll has revealed that fewer than one in 10 Brits know when some of the UK's most well-known fruit and vegetables are in season, and supermarkets do little to help. But would a strawberry at the Christmas table really be so out of ...

    • Stressed are the Cheesemakers: Anger at campaign for less salt

      Consensus Action on Salt and Health wants reduced levels, but industry leaders argue: 'too little salt makes bad cheese'"This really is the most stupid thing I've heard in a long time," rails Juliet Harbutt, international cheese guru and chair of the...

    • Two Chefs and Beyond - How Gastro Porn Hit the Big Screen

      Films set to a backdrop of food are nothing new, but with two new releases - and Bradley Cooper to boot - never has the depiction of gastronomy on the big screen been so enticingA spanner in the works for Bradley Cooper's new film, Chef, ...

    • Prawn Noodle Salad

      This crunchy, sharp twist on pad Thai makes for a delicious cold lunch. Just mix the chilli-lime dressing into the noodles and you're ready to goPad Thai, that backpackers' favourite, is the inspiration here, though this version is served cold - it's...

    • Spiced Lamb Buns

      Finger food writ large, these deliciously portable buns are an easily freezable one-piece lunchThese are quite nifty for a picnic or a long walk, particularly if made smaller, though as a big bun with a surprise filling they're deeply moreish. The recipe...

    • Aubergine Tagine with Bulgar Wheat Pilaf

      This pared-down pilaf and vegetarian tagine is easy to make on a weekday evening, ready to take to work for a tasty lunchYou could get a bit more involved with this pilaf, cooking a vast amount of onion for a long time and adding all ...

    • Pork Rillettes With Toast and Cornichons

      Leftover pork from a Sunday roast can be turned into a delicious Monday packed lunch It is amazing how easily a joint of pork turns out to be insurmountable. What seems like an appropriate - even modest - piece of pork belly so often turns ...

    • Did Kadir Nurman really invent the doner kebab?

      The person widely credited with inventing the ubiquitous post-pub snack has died. But the truth behind the doner kebab's origin isn't quite that simpleKadir Nurman died this week in Berlin at the age of 80, leaving in his wake the kind of legacy many...

    • Germany's Nutella Heist - The Latest Great Gastronomic Robbery

      The theft of £14,000's worth of the popular spread at the weekend is the most recent in a series of worldwide raids by thieves with a taste for fast food.There's something seriously afoot in the small town of Bad Hersfeld, in central Germany. Thieves made ...

    • Jamie Oliver: '30,000 Napkins A Month' Stolen From Restaurants

      It's not just table linen that's going missing, either - even the toilet flushers have been vanishing. Have you ever liberated a little memento from a restaurant?You might think that, along with fish forks, silver chargers and butlers, the demand for...

    • Are Students Finally Learning to Cook?

      Could organic veg boxes and MasterChef classes turn students on to good food?'I would probably go for the Super Noodles. Or the peanut butter." I'm in a corner shop in the University of Leicester's student quarter with three undergraduates, here to buy...

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