When you invite your friends over for coffee, you want to make the best coffee for them. Making coffee may seem like a trivial task but it needs perfection and know-how of the method to master the art of brewing coffee. You should get both the measurements and the techniques right. Here are some easy tips to help you make the perfect coffee for your guests that will make a lasting impression on them. Here we'll share some simple yet effective tips to make hot coffee and cold brew coffee. Take your pick according to the coffee you are planning to make for the next coffee get-together you host at your home.
Easy Tip To Make Hot Coffee At Home
If you want to make hot coffee, using a coffee pot or electric coffee maker would let you make a great one. These pots are available everywhere, including online shopping stores. So, get one today and bowl over your guests with a swoon-worthy coffee that they'll never forget. Making coffee in coffee pot is easy. The pot comes with an in-built filter. Fill up the pot with water, and top it with about 10 grams of coffee. Place a filter cup on top. Simply, place the coffee pot on induction flame or gas stove. As water heats up, it filters and reaches the top of the cup, ready to be served.
(Also Read: 4 Exciting Ways to Make Coffee This Summer)

Hot coffee can be made easily in coffee pot or electric coffee maker.
Easy Tip To Make Cold Coffee
For cold brew coffee, grind coffee, water, milk, sugar - all together in juicer/blender. Pulse it till you see foam forming at the top. Serve it with some ice cubes and cocoa powder. Remember to make this coffee right before serving it. Don't attempt to make ahead as the foam will eventually settle down.
(Also Read: Coconut Water Coffee - The New Drink You Would Love To Have Every Morning)

Cold coffee is a great option to serve to your guests.
Easy Tip To Make Cold Brew
Here's another easy and unique way to make cold brew coffee. Pour some coffee in a jar and fill it up with fresh filtered water. Let it steep overnight or for at least eight hours. That's it. Your cold brew is ready. You can serve it in the following 3 interesting ways -
1. Pour the cold brew over some ice filled in a cup or glass and serve.
2. Pour some orange juice over the cold brew. In one cup, add about 2 teaspoons of orange juice and serve.
3. Get a jar or vanilla ice cream. Pour some cold brew over it and serve.
Follow these tips to the T and have a memorable coffee session with some delicious cookies and juicy conversations with your friends.
About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.