
Food & Drinks

  • 7 Tips To Be A Responsible Drinker And Still Have Fun

    While partying with friends, we often lose sight of how much alcohol we can tolerate. This guide can help you keep your balance, enjoy alcohol, and still have a great night!

  • How To Make Ice Pops At Home With Your Favourite Fruit Combos

    Ice pops or freezer pops are super refreshing, especially during hot summer. Make these frozen treats at home using fresh ingredients without any food colourings or flavouring agents!

  • Palash Sharbat - Your Cool Companion For Hot Summer Days (Recipe Inside)

    Summer Drink Recipe: Palash sharbat is a unique and refreshing summer drink. To make it, palash flowers are soaked in water along with fennel seeds for a short duration.

  • Breakfast Hotspots in Jaipur: Top 10 Places to Kickstart Your Mornings In The Pink City

    Jaipur offers a wide range of cafes and restaurants to explore for an unforgettable morning meal.

  • ICYMI: 5 Viral Posts That Made The Internet Laugh This Week

    As we welcome the weekend, here are some viral stories that received hilarious and witty reactions on social media. Read to uplift your spirits!

  • Ghee On Roti: Fad Or Tradition? Here's The Truth!

    According to Ayurveda, ghee acts as a catalyst, promoting digestion and metabolism. It's also believed to balance the body's energies (pitta, vata, and kapha).

  • International Yoga Day 2024: Date, Theme, Yoga Poses And Foods To Improve Digestion Post Dinner

    International Yoga Day 2024: On this day, people perform various types of yoga asanas (poses) for physical, mental and spiritual peace.

  • 8 Tiny Mistakes That Are Making Your Kitchen A Big Mess (And You Didn't Even Know!)

    By avoiding these common kitchen mistakes and implementing simple cleaning habits, you can transform your kitchen into a clean and organised space where cooking becomes a joy.

  • 5 Unique Ways You Can Use Humble Potato In Daily Life. No. 3 Will Surprise You

    Potato can also be used in various other forms that you might have never thought of! Check out some smart usages of the vegetable here.

  • How Popular Food Chains Use Artificial Intelligence (AI) To Deliver And Prepare Your Food Faster

    Here's how major fast food restaurant chains are using AI in their kitchens and drive-thru to deliver food quickly, improve customer experience and reduce food wastage.

  • Don't Throw Away Papaya Seeds! 5 Simple Ways To Consume Them Every Day

    Papaya seeds are often discarded but boast health benefits. From smoothies to detox drinks, read on to learn interesting ways to include papaya seeds in your diet.

  • Feeling Tired For No Reason? It Could Be Adrenal Fatigue! Here's How to Identify It And Fix It

    Adrenal fatigue is a condition where the adrenal glands function below the necessary level, typically due to intense stress and chronic health issues.

  • Forget Ice Cream! This Lychee Treat Will Cool You Down All Summer Long

    Who said lychee can't be used to make desserts? This tasty lychee shrikhand truffle recipe will surely wow your friends and family while helping you beat the summer heat!

  • Kolkata Breakfast Delight: 10 Must-Try Places For A Delicious Morning Meal

    Kolkata is known for its diversity - both in terms of food and culture. And you will get to see its versatile breakfast spread. Read on for details.

  • World Tapas Day 2024: From History To Modern-Day Tapas, Explore The Spanish Art Of Eating Food With Drinks

    Venga, amigos, vamos a tapear! - this is a popular Spanish phrase for "Hey, guys, let's go have some tapas!"

  • Love Cream Cheese? Try This Healthy, High-Protein Recipe For Guilt-Free Indulgence

    Cream Cheese Recipe: This recipe is rich in protein and a must-try for cream cheese lovers.

  • Salad Dressing Recipes: 7 Easy And Delicious Recipes To Take Your Salads To Next Level

    Salads are a healthy go-to, but sometimes they can feel a bit...well, boring. Enter the magic of homemade salad dressings! These flavourful concoctions can be whipped up in minutes and completely transform ...

  • 6 Summer Coffees That'll Become Your New Favorite Afternoon Pick-Me-Up

    Sorry, hot coffee, you're cancelled! These summer coffee drinks are the only way to get your caffeine fix this season

  • Spot Idli - The Street-Style Spin On The Classic Idli Deserves A Spot In Your Heart

    It was in Coimbatore that I tried Spot Idli after my first brush with this dish in Hyderabad. This was a dish that originated on the streets of Hyderabad where it's also ...

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