Recipe by Chef Kishore D Reddy
If you are gorging on biryani, pulao or a heavy curry, Pyaaz ka raita is just what you need. It not only tastes delicious but also calms your stomach giving the needed cooling effect. This is a well-known raita recipe and popularly served at many retsuarant and eateries around the country. With this raita recipe in Hind, you can now perfect this simple dish at home too.

2) Kheere ka raita Recipe in Hindi
Recipe by Chef Aditya Bal
This one has always been an attention catcher! Perfect with almost anything, this is a simple raita recipe that anyone can put together. Its light on your tummy and tasty fresh too. It is among the best Raita Recipes in Hindi and is often loved during lazy afternoons.

3) Lauki Raita Recipe in Hindi
Just when you think raita is good but does not have a lot of varieties, Lauki Raita swings by like a delightful rainbow on your taste buds. Thoroughly enjoyed during the summer months, this raita recipes is sure to be loved even by those who run away at the sight of lauki! Healthy, hearty and great for your waistline, lauki raita is a winner always.

Recipe by Chef Marut Sikka
Pomegranates may seem like a difficult fruit to peel and eat but once you fall in love with these ruby red pearls, its hard to stay away. This recipe of Anardana raita is yet another way of benefiting from all the goodness of pomegranates. This is a simple recipe and is also your best option when you are in the mood to impress.

5) Pineapple raita Recipe in Hindi
If you are tired of the traditional Raita recipes in Hindi this recipe is just the one to bring you back to the game. This is a delicious looking side-dish which tastes nothing but magic. Beware, you might get addicted to its sour-sweet taste with curd!

6) Green chilly raita Recipe in Hindi
Recipe by Chef Marut Sikka
If you love spicy food then you will never get enough of this raita recipe. A perfect mixture of green chillies and curd, Green Chilly Raita is among the spiciest yet soothing recipes in our long list of Raita Recipes.

7) Beetroot raita Recipe in Hindi
The rich and fine colour of this raita makes it an exquisite addition to a party menu. Not to mention the many health benefits the beetroots come packed with. Try experimenting with other flavours too. You could top it with slivers of beetroot or coriander at the time of serving.

The rich and fine colour of this raita recipe in hindi makes it an exquisite
These Raita Recipes in Hindi are easy to make and the perfect way to spruce up your everyday meals. Curd is one of the healthiest foods to eat on a regular basis, so try a variety of ways to include this superfood into your diet everyday.