Katrina Kaif celebrated her 39th birthday in the Maldives with her husband, actor Vicky Kaushal, family and friends on Saturday. Right after the fun-filled day, the diva instantly got back to her healthy food diaries. Yes, we know that she is strict about her diet and food choices. But now, with her latest Instagram Stories, we are convinced that Katrina is a strong advocate for healthy eating. The actress has dropped a snippet from her foodie trail motivating us in many ways. We could see rich and delicious fruits sliced and served to her in a bowl. From the picture, we could spot what looked like mango and passion fruit. Besides that, there was some healthy pudding kept alongside the fruit bowl. Katrina wrote, “Paradise.”
Take a look:
Well, Katrina Kaif has really inspired us to add a bowlful of fruits into our diet every day. The best thing one can do is have fruits for breakfast or even meals at times. Here are five interesting ways to relish fruits.
1)Cranberry wellness bowl
Yes, cranberries are packed with nutrition and various health benefits. So, don't forget to make this amazing recipe that features healthy vegetables including lettuce, corn kernels, and chickpeas tossed with dried cranberries along with feta cheese, maple syrup, salt and vinegar.
2) Oatmeal yoghurt and fruit breakfast medley
You do not have to stick to only fruits for a healthy meal. Sometimes, you can also include oatmeal and yoghurt to rustle up a healthy meal for yourself. This breakfast medley carries the goodness of oats, fruits, nuts, yoghurt and honey for a little sweetness.
3) Fruit chaat bites
Bored with the regular style of chomping on fruits? We have something new that can change your experience making it a lot more fun. Fruit chaat bites are basically fruits covered with certain homely spices and honey. The fruits are then roasted and served warm.
4) Tandoori fruit chaat
Have you ever tried fruits in a tandoor or oven? If not, then let us tell you that they taste fantastic. This tandoori fruit chaat is all about sweet potato, green apples, star fruit, pineapple and three coloured pepper – all marinated and cooked in a tandoor.
5) Banana peanut butter oatmeal bowl
This is a great breakfast option on days when you don't feel like cooking much. Trust this bowl of sliced bananas clubbed with peanut butter and almond flakes. You must also add oatmeal, chia seeds and pumpkin seeds to make it a wholesome dish.
Bookmark these recipes for a healthy breakfast or a light nutritious meal.