Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal never ceases to impress us. Today, he has become a household name with back-to-back hit movies including 'Masaan', 'Uri: The Surgical Strike' and his last release 'Sardar Udham' in 2021. And if you think his acting prowess and good looks weren't enough to make the headlines, then we suggest, check out his social media too. With all his quirky posts and stories, the 33-year-old actor has garnered the limelight yet again. Vicky Kaushal enjoys 13.1 million followers on Instagram, whom he keeps entertained with all his life updates. What we enjoy the most is Vicky Kaushal's filmy avatar! Trust us, he's a 'total filmy' by nature. Every now and then, we can see this 'Punjabi munda' making reels and grooving to all the popular Punjabi and Hindi numbers. However, recently, he took his love for Bollywood a step ahead. How, you ask?
Vicky Kaushal, in his latest Insta-story, was seen enjoying a bowlful of jamun (Indian black berry) on-the-go. What made this simple food story a quirky one is the song he related it to. We could hear the popular song 'Bairi Piya' from the hit Sanjay Leela Bhansali film 'Devdas' playing in the background. Here's a glimpse of story:
Also Read: Katrina Kaif Cooks Halwa, Hubby Vicky Kaushal Calls It 'Best Ever'
While connecting 'berry' with 'Bairi Piya' was quite a funny move by Vicky, he also reminded us of indulging in some healthy and juicy jamun this Spring season. Considering this, we thought of sharing some of our favourite berry-based recipes with you. Check them out here.
Meanwhile, do let us know how you liked Vicky Kaushal's latest Insta story.
About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.