The holiday season is around the corner and we are sure you have your plans set. As winter slowly makes its way to different parts of the country, the bubbling excitement for the year-end celebrations are hard to ignore too. There will be brunches and barbecues, dining with family and partying with friends, in your city or in a holiday home somewhere far away. And why not! What a roller coaster ride this year has been for so many of us, what better way to wrap the year than with some good cheer and much needed celebrations. As you leave behind the worries of work, school and college, here are some quick tips to ensure you don’t come back with the holiday paunch and regret falling prey to the ‘let-your-hair-down’ and ‘seize-the-day’ logic! Here’s how you can enjoy holiday eating and make merry without putting on unwanted kilos. Expert Nutritionist and Health practitioner Shilpa Arora gives out some handy tips to enjoy your holiday to the fullest without worrying much about your calorie intake. 1. Keep your body well hydrated
In the midst of touring through the day and partying through the night, make sure you never compromise on your fluid intake. You don’t want to pass out through a draining holiday, do you? Staying hydrated vitalizes and refreshes you from within and also helps flush out the toxins you may have taken in along the way.
Staying hydrated vitalizes and refreshes you.2. Always carry nuts and seeds for snacking lightSo important! For light snacking options, always keep a few packets of dry fruits and nuts. Fibre loaded nuts help keep you full so that you don’t overdo other fattening snacks as often. Let’s admit it, almonds, pista and kishmish make a delicious snack too. All you have to do is plan ahead and plan well.
3. Stay clear of too much sugar in pastries, cakes and breadWe agree its holiday season and you don’t have to hold yourself back from indulging in your favourite sweet treats all that much, but a little regulation doesn’t hurt. The little sugar calories you pick over the next few weeks will need hours of walking or working out. If you have had a decadent dessert in your lunch, you may as well want to skip it for dinner.
4. Walk, walk, walk We usually have optimum digestion on holidays because we tend to walk a lot. So ditch taking cars and cabs to places that you can easily cover by foot. It will not only help you explore the place better, but also help you burn a calorie or few through the process.
5. Say CheeseIf you manage to find good quality cheese, then enjoy it without worrying about putting on extra kilos.
6. Relish Local ProduceEnjoy the fresh local produce on your holiday destination, like the fresh fruits and vegetables that grow there. For instance, coconut water is a must for any beach-y destination, trying out the special fish and sea-food of specific coastal areas is also a great idea. Keep a note of all these points and make the most of your holidays without the worry of extra pounds. Remember the idea is not to hold back but about making smart moves. Always eat a little before heading out for a party, so that you aren’t hogging on every starter that is coming your way. Exercise first thing in the morning and keep the rest of the day at leisure. Happy Holidays!
In the midst of touring through the day and partying through the night, make sure you never compromise on your fluid intake. You don’t want to pass out through a draining holiday, do you? Staying hydrated vitalizes and refreshes you from within and also helps flush out the toxins you may have taken in along the way.

About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.