When it comes to weight loss, the first area that comes to mind is belly fat. How to reduce stubborn fat in the abdominal and visceral areas of the body is a subject of many studies and tons of research. Targeted weight loss for reducing belly fat in a month seems difficult to achieve at first, but with some expert advice by our side the journey becomes easier. Nutritionist and Health Coach Shilpa Arora went live on Instagram with NDTV Food and decoded this very topic in her live session. Here are some snippets of what went on in the Instagram live.
Weight Loss: Why Is Reducing Belly Fat Important?
Why is losing belly fat important? The fat around your abdomen affects the functioning of every organ in our body. If this fat is not reduced, it may lead to a lot of health problems later in life. Nutritionist Shilpa Arora said, "Normally most people who have belly fat are diabetic, or pre-diabetic or they are insulin-resistant. A lot of reproductive problems are there in young girls, which could be because of belly fat."
(Also Read: 5 Weight Loss Diet Myths That May Have Been Hindering Your Weight Loss Goals)

Weight Loss: Expert Tips To Reduce Belly Fat In A Month
So we agree that reducing belly fat is important. But how exactly to go about losing it in a month? Is it even possible to have such targeted weight loss in a short span of time? Nutritionist Shilpa Arora believes that reduction of belly fat is definitely possible. She agrees that having a target can be better than having an indefinite weight loss program. "Targets help results get better, and you feel encouraged, motivated and fitter. Results are 100% possible," she said. Here are the expert tips she suggested in the live session:
1. Start your day with a green juice
Shilpa Arora recommends, "Start your morning with a green juice, something which is alkaline." The way to include something alkaline in our diet is to have a green vegetable or some leaves in the form of a green juice. White petha is one such indigenous vegetable which can be had as juice with a glass of water by blending and then sieving it. Shilpa Arora calls it, "The most alkaline food on this planet, it's going to thoroughly clean your digestive system." Other alternatives for the morning green juice can be ingredients such as Amla, Kadhi patta, Mint leaves, or coriander. The high chlorophyll content is a great antioxidant as it adds freshness to our body and gives us the daily boost of vitamins too. This is an easy and healthy alternative to starting the day with highly acidic foods such as tea or coffee.
(Also Read: This 3-Ingredient Juice Could Help Speed Up Your Weight Loss)

2. Have a bowl of papaya with nuts for breakfast
Breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day, and what you have for breakfast can impact your entire day. A whole bowl of fruit with nuts makes for a wholesome, satiating and fulfilling meal in itself. "For a heavier breakfast, have a bowl of papaya, watermelon. These are very healing and healthy in the morning. They will treat problems such as constipation and acidity. Nuts can be added to this. Soaked nuts are better as the nutrients get absorbed quicker by our body," suggests Shilpa Arora. She further says oily and greasy foods should be avoided as it is highly acidic. Food items such as paranthas are to be had only once a day maximum, around 12pm or 1pm. By the end of the day it is better to go for a lighter meal.
(Also Read: Fruits For Weight Loss: Top 10 Low-Carb Fruits To Include In Your Diet)

3. Importance of abundant sunshine and Vitamin D3 for weight loss
The importance of sunshine and Vitamin D3 cannot be understated. We are all depleted in Vitamin D3 and sunshine in spite of living in a country with abundant sunshine says Nutritionist Shilpa Arora. "You can do 'n' number of things to lose weight, but it's not going to go. Vitamin D3 produces hormones which synthesise other hormones. It is the ultimate source of energy," she said. Thus, it is vital to get the daily dose of sunshine before 10 o clock in the morning and after 4pm in the evening. Expose your arms to beautiful sunshine, synthesise hormones, sleep good, feel better!
Watch The Full Video Of The Instagram Live Session On How To Reduce Belly Fat Here:
About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking to and meeting like-minded foodies (especially the kind who like veg momos). Plus points if you get her bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat at.