Diabetes, Diabetic Diet, Symptoms, News & Information


  • 5 Easy Daily Diet Routines To Control Diabetes Naturally, Expert Reveals

    Diabetes Diet: These natural and practical tips can empower you to take control of their health.

  • Is Date (Khajoor) Sugar Better Than White Sugar? Here's What You Need To Know

    Date sugar has emerged as a popular sugar alternative. But is it really worth it?

  • World Diabetes Day: One-Fourth Of People Living With Diabetes In India In 2022: Lancet Study

    The figure of 82.8 crore is over four times the number in 1990, with the largest increase in low and middle-income countries (LMICs), researchers forming the Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factor Collaboration

  • World Diabetes Day 2024: 10 Diet And Lifestyle Changes A Diabetic Should Make For Healthy Living

    World Diabetes Day 2024 reminds us of the importance of breaking barriers and bridging gaps to ensure that everyone with diabetes has access to the resources and care they need.

  • 5 Things To Keep In Mind While Making Smoothie If You Have Insulin Resistance

    Insulin resistance doesn't mean you have to stay away from your favourite smoothies. With these expert-approved tips, you can make yourself a balanced and wholesome smoothie in no time.

  • Can Diabetics Drink Coconut Water? Expert Weighs In

    Coconut water is a refreshing and hydrating drink that many diabetics enjoy. But how can diabetics enjoy it without affecting their blood sugar levels? Nutritionist Amita Gadre shares her insights.

  • Struggling with Sugar Spikes? These 3 Expert-Approved Foods Could Save Your Day

    Sugar spikes after meals are common but can be harmful over time. Discover which foods Ayurvedic health coach Dr Dimple Jangda recommends to naturally manage them.

  • 5 Foods To Consume On An Empty Stomach If You Have Insulin Resistance

    Starting your day with the right foods can significantly impact your blood sugar levels. Here are some expert-approved pantry staples that can help tackle insulin resistance effortlessly.

  • 5 Expert-Approved Superfoods To Tackle Insulin Resistance In Your Body

    Insulin resistance is a problem faced by many. Nutritionist Anusha Rodrigues suggests 5 pantry staple superfoods to tackle this problem naturally.

  • Diabetic? Avoiding Rice? Not Anymore! Expert Shares Quick Tip To Enjoy It Guilt-Free

    White rice alone can't increase or control your blood sugar levels. There are various other factors associated with it. Read on for details.

  • Can Diabetics Have Lychee? Nutritionist Shares 4 Important Tips To Keep In Mind

    Since lychee is high in fructose, it is often suggested to avoid the fruit in your diabetes diet. But is that really true? Here are some important points to remember.

  • Struggling With Prediabetes? These 3 Nutritionist-Approved Tips May Help Manage The Condition

    Prediabetes is a wake-up call to get your diet and lifestyle in check. Read on to know what Nutritionist Shweta J Panchal recommends you to keep in mind.

  • Diabetes? These Homemade Cookies Are Ideal For Your Sweet Cravings

    Can diabetics have sweets? It's not the dessert that is harmful, it is the proportion of sugar you add to it or the way you make your dessert that matters.

  • Cardamom (Elaichi) Tea For Diabetes: A Natural Home Remedy For Managing Blood Sugar 

    Cardamom has been used in ancient Ayurveda practices for its healing prowess. See how it is beneficial for a diabetes diet.

  • 5 Ways To Practise Mindful Eating When Dining Out To Manage Blood Sugar

    Diabetes Management: Dining out doesn't necessarily have to be a stressful activity. You just need to be mindful of certain things, and you'll be able to enjoy your meal without any worries.

  • Reversing Type 2 Diabetes: How I Turned My Life Around From Depression To Diabetes Recovery

    Remember, dear reader, that no matter the obstacles we face, our journey is far from over - let my journey to health and wellness be a beacon of hope and perseverance.

  • 5 Ways You Can Plan A Healthy Morning Ritual To Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes

    In the early hours of the morning, hormones, including cortisol and growth hormone, signal the liver to boost the production of glucose in the body.

  • Are You Doing Things That Could Lead To Diabetes? Look At These 3 Habits

    Our lifestyle choices play a crucial role in determining our chances of developing diabetes. Read on to find out the most common habits that lead to it.

  • Is Paneer Good For Diabetes? 3 Delicious Ways To Include It in Your Diet

    Diabetes Diet: Paneer, a staple in many Indian households, is cherished by both non-vegetarians and vegetarians alike.

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