

  • 9 Nutritionist-Approved Food Safety Tips You Must Follow In Summer Season

    Summer brings along a range of food-related diseases. Here are some easy ways to keep a check on your health, while eating right.

  • Study Says Adding Orange Peels To Your Diet Could Improve Heart Health, Should You Eat Them?

    Orange peels, often dumped in the trash, are loaded with nutrients that can benefit your heart health, according to new research.

  • Why Should You Avoid Consuming Sabja Seeds Raw? The Reason Might Surprise You!

    Sabja seeds are known for their nutritional properties but did you know you shouldnt eat them raw? Read on to know why.

  • Fight Arthritis And IBS Naturally! Ajagandha Herb Could Be The Answer You've Been Looking For

    Have you ever heard about Ajagandha (or Spider Flower)? Read on to learn about the incredible health benefits of this anti-inflammatory herb. (Bonus: Ajagandha Rasam recipe inside!)

  • How Should You Consume Fruits Based On Your Health? Ayurvedic Health Coach Weighs In

    Fruits are packed with essential vitamins and minerals beneficial for our body. But to get their maximum benefit, you should consume them as per your health. Read on to know what Dr ...

  • 10 Simple Diet Changes To Help You Gain Muscle And Lose Fat

    By following these ten tips consistently, you can effectively build lean muscle mass while minimising fat gain.

  • Oats For Weight Loss: Fact Or Fiction? Experts Share Insights

    Oats, one of the oldest cereal grains, is said to contain more protein than many other grains and loads you with soluble fibres called beta-glucan, for nourishment.

  • Feeling Overwhelmed By PCOS? This Delicious, Low-Carb Diet May Help You Feel Amazing

    Struggling with PCOS and insulin resistance? Learn how to manage these conditions with delicious food and simple exercise tips (plus a bonus recipe by a chef-nutritionist!).

  • Struggling With Prediabetes? These 3 Nutritionist-Approved Tips May Help Manage The Condition

    Prediabetes is a wake-up call to get your diet and lifestyle in check. Read on to know what Nutritionist Shweta J Panchal recommends you to keep in mind.

  • 5 Foods To Eat And 5 To Steer Clear Of On An Empty Stomach

    Certain foods can provide nourishment while others may wreak havoc with your gut. Intrigued to know more about what to eat and what to avoid in the morning? Read on!

  • Ghee On Roti: Fad Or Tradition? Here's The Truth!

    According to Ayurveda, ghee acts as a catalyst, promoting digestion and metabolism. It's also believed to balance the body's energies (pitta, vata, and kapha).

  • Should We Boil Packaged Milk Before Drinking? Here's What Doctors Recommend

    Many people believe in boiling the milk first before drinking it. However, is this necessary even for packaged milk? Let's find out what doctors say.

  • Feeling Tired For No Reason? It Could Be Adrenal Fatigue! Here's How to Identify It And Fix It

    Adrenal fatigue is a condition where the adrenal glands function below the necessary level, typically due to intense stress and chronic health issues.

  • From Constipation To Insomnia, Nutritionist Shares 3 Fruit Juices To Combat Various Health Issues

    While drinking fruit juices has long been a topic of debate, here are three fruit juices that are very helpful and recommended by experts for certain therapeutic uses.

  • Puffy Face Before A Party? Not Anymore! Here Are 4 Ways To Prevent Face Bloating And Maintain Skin Glow

    Puffy Face Remedies: To prevent facial bloating, you need to address the issue at its root. This means, being mindful of what you eat or drink right before the special event.

  • What Is 'Meaty Rice'? South Korea Develops Hybrid Rice For Sustainable Protein Kick

    This unique type of rice is prepared by embedding cultured beef cells into individual grains of rice, intending to reduce carbon footprints.

  • Eating A Whole Banana Or Drinking Banana Smoothie - Which Is Healthier? Expert Explains

    We usually make a banana smoothie simply by blending milk and banana - both the ingredients are loaded with healthy properties and make a part of our daily diet.

  • Are Moong Dal Sprouts Really High In Protein? Nutritionist Busts Popular Myth

    For years, sprouts have been known to aid weight loss by providing protein in high amounts. But do they really? Read on to know nutritionist Leema Mahajan's take on this.

  • Is Your Milk Safe? Food Authority Reveals Easy Tests To Find Out

    Worried about what's lurking in your milk? Discover easy at-home tests to ensure your milk is pure and safe from nasty adulterants like water and urea.

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