If you are looking for the benefits of guava leaves, then you are at the right place. Now, we all know that guava (amrood in Hindi) has been hailed as one of the super fruits as it provides several health benefits, it is extraordinarily rich in vitamin C, lycopene, and antioxidants that are beneficial for the skin. The potassium in guavas helps normalise blood pressure levels. Since it contains about 80% of water and is rich in fibres, it also aids weight loss. But did you know that guava leaves are great for your well-being too? The young leaves of the guava tree can be brewed to make a magical tea, that has in fact been part of traditional medicine for centuries in Mexico and parts of South America. "These leaves are a powerhouse of antioxidants like vitamin C, and flavonoids such as quercetin", says Delhi-based Nutritionist, Anshul Jaibharat. To make guava leaf tea, all you need to do is soak guava leaves in a cup of hot water and drink up!
Also Read: Eating For Beauty: A Seasonal Fruit For Fabulous Skin

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Here are 15 benefits of guava leaves and reasons you need to start drinking guava leaf tea immediately -
1. Diarrhea
According to a study published in the Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo, guava-leaf extracts inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, a common cause of diarrhea. People suffering from diarrhea who drink guava leaf tea may experience less abdominal pain, fewer and less watery stools, and a quicker recovery, according to Drugs.com. Add the leaves and root of guava to a cup of boiling water, strain the water, and consume it on an empty stomach for quick relief.
2. Lowers Cholesterol
LDL or Low-density lipoprotein are one of the five major groups of lipoproteins which transport all fat molecules throughout your body. It is the excess of this class of cholesterol that may cause a host of health disorders particularly that of the heart. According to an article published in Nutrition and Metabolism, study participants who drank guava leaf tea had lower cholesterol levels after eight weeks.
3. Manages Diabetes
Japan has approved guava leaves tea as one of the foods for specified health uses to help with the prevention and treatment of diabetes. The compounds in the tea help regulate blood sugar levels after meals, by inhibiting the absorption of two types of sugars - sucrose and maltose. According to an article published in Nutrition and Metabolism, guava leaf tea inhibits several different enzymes that convert carbohydrates in the digestive tract into glucose, potentially slowing its uptake into your blood.
4. Promotes Weight Loss
Looking to shed the extra inches around your belly? Sip into guava leaf tea. Guava leaves help prevent complex carbs from turning into sugars, promoting rapid weight loss. Drink guava leaves tea or juice regularly to reap the benefits.
Also Read: 5 Foods That You Thought Would Make You Gain Weight But Don't

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5. Fights Cancer
Dr. Anju Sood says, "Guava leaves can lower the risk of cancer" - especially breast, prostate, and oral cancers - due to high quantities of the antioxidant lycopene. Various studies have revealed that lycopene plays a significant role in lowering the risk of cancer.
6. Heals Cold and Cough
Guava leaves contain high levels of Vitamin C and iron, and a decoction of guava leaves is very helpful in relieving cough and cold as it helps get rid of mucus. It also disinfects the respiratory tract, throat and lungs.
7. Reduces Acne
Due to their high percentage of Vitamin C, guava leaves can help get rid of acne when crushed and applied to trouble spots
8. Improves Skin Texture
Guavas have high astringent properties, and guava leaves rank even higher. Apply a decoction of the leaves on your skin to help tone and tighten facial muscles.
9. Prevents Hair Loss
Suffering from hair loss? Guava leaves for hair can keep all your hair-related problems at bay. Guava leaves can be boiled and massaged onto the scalp. Guava is rich in antioxidants that could do wonders for the volume of hair. Note: Make sure the water is cool before applying it to the scalp.
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10. Beats Toothache
"Guava leaves are anti-inflammatory in nature and help in maintaining good oral health", says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. Guava leaf tea works as a fantastic home remedy for toothache, swollen gums, and oral ulcers due to its powerful antibacterial agents. You can also grind the leaves into a paste and apply it to your gums and teeth to cure these problems.
11. Improves Quality of Sleep
"Drinking guava leaf tea regularly helps improve the quality of sleep", says Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, Clinical Operations and Coordination Manager at Baidyanath. It calms your nerves and quietens your mind, making it easier to slip into slumber.
12. Boosts Immunity
According to Bangalore-based Nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood, "guava leaf tea helps boost the immune system", thereby reducing the risk of various illnesses.
13. Soothes Gastrointestinal Issues
Guava leaves are useful in treating gastrointestinal issues because they reduce the production of extra mucus that can irritate the digestive system, and prevent further microbial growth in the intestines due to anti-bacterial properties.
14. Promotes Heart Health
"Guava leaf tea may also benefit your heart and circulatory system", says Anshul Jaibharat.
Also Read: Weight Loss, Heart Health, Diabetes: 5 Superfoods That Help With All Three!

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15. Good for Your Brain
"Guava leaves contain vitamin B3 (niacin) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which help in improving blood circulation to the brain, stimulating cognitive function and relaxing the nerves", remarks Dr. Manoj K. Ahuja. Guava leaves contain vitamin B3 (niacin) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).