

  • Why You Should Stop Reusing Deep-Fried Oil (And What To Use Instead)

    Many people reuse cooking oil to save money, but experts warn against this practice. Here is why it can be harmful to your health and what you should do instead.

  • Can Tea Or Coffee Really Cure Headaches? An Expert Weighs In

    Recently, Dietitian Sejal Ahuja shared her views on Instagram, revealing the real truth behind this common belief.

  • 5 Fruits That Can Keep Your Heart Healthy

    What you eat can either harm or help your heart. While junk food takes a toll, these nutrient-packed fruits can keep it strong and healthy for years!

  • Liver Detox Smoothie: A Refreshing Way To Cleanse Your System

    This liver detox smoothie, along with mindful dietary choices, can significantly improve liver function and prevent toxin buildup.

  • How Does Cocoa Help Boost Muscle Strength? Science Behind It

    According to Michael Greger, flavonoids found in natural, non-alkalised cocoa are associated with improved blood circulation and reduced inflammation.

  • Is Avocado Toast A Healthy Food Option? Here's What You Should Know

    Avocado toast is loved by many for its creamy and velvety taste. But, is it okay to have it every day for breakfast? Think again.

  • How Starting Your Day With Fermented Rice Water (A Traditional Probiotic) Keeps Gut Healthy

    Fermented rice water is the water left behind after soaking cooked or raw rice for hours, preferably overnight.

  • Eating Slowly Can Improve Your Gut Health, Says Expert

    Karan Rajan, a doctor and author, has shared an insightful post on Instagram about the benefits of eating slowly

  • Rice At Night: Does It Lead To Weight Gain? Or Just Another Food Myth?

    Let's see what science has to say to this claim, or should we consider this to be just another nutrition myth?

  • 4 Potential Side Effects Of Consuming Too Much Protein

    Protein Side Effects: Below, we'll be sharing five potential side effects of eating too much protein that you should be aware of.

  • Can Eating After Sunset Cause Weight Gain? Here's What You Should Know

    If you love eating at night or have a habit of eating your dinner late, but want to manage your weight, read on to know what actually happens to your body.

  • Turmeric And Black Pepper: How Effective Is This Combination For Nutrient Absorption

    Turmeric And Black Pepper Combination: Does adding a pinch of black pepper really make turmeric more effective? Or is there a way to maximise its benefits? Let's find out!

  • Stop! Avoid Eating Fruits At These Times Of The Day

    If you love consuming fruits and want maximum nutrients from them, here are five times of the day you should avoid eating them.

  • 4 Food Hacks For Better Blood Sugar Control, As Shared By A Fitness Coach

    Recently, fitness coach Ralston D'Souza took to his Instagram page to share four food hacks that can better control your blood sugar levels.

  • Why You Should Avoid Juicing Some Leafy Greens

    Juicing fruits and vegetables is a common practice to nourish your body but some can do more harm than good to your body. Let's see what the experts have to say.

  • Why Do You Feel Bloated After Eating Home-Cooked Food?

    Do you experience bloating even after eating healthy, homecooked meals? Nutritionists explains why this could be happening and how to fix it.

  • Can Eating Too Much Protein Accelerate Ageing? A Nutritionist Weighs In

    Recently, nutritionist Lovneet Batra took to Instagram to share how your protein obsession could be the reason behind your accelerated ageing.

  • 5 Expert-Suggested Food Combinations That Make Your Meal A 'Super Meal'

    We have got you some common food pairings that can turn your regular meal into a power-packed one in no time.

  • Are You Always Tired? Anushka Sharma's Dietitian Shares 3 Key Nutrients For Women Over 40

    A "nutrient gap" might be responsible for that constant fatigue or achy bones, according to celebrity nutritionist Ryan Fernando.

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