According to Nutritionist, Lokendra Tomar from the Weight Loss Clinic, New Delhi, "ABC Detox Diet is a body rejuvenation plan, which can be done for one to three days depending upon person to person. There are four major ways to remove toxins from the body: liver will remove fat soluble toxins, kidney will remove water soluble toxins, intestines will remove undigested toxins and the skin will remove metabolic toxins. ABC detox drink help you flush out all these toxins through these organs." Take notes as we take you through the many benefits of the ABC detox drink.
The Three Musketeers of the ABC Detox Drink
Apple: As the age old saying goes, 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' and it does hold true as an apple is super rich in nutrients including vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and K, Folate, Niacin, Zinc, Copper, Potassium, Manganese and Phosphorus among others. The dietary fibers found in apple are the most beneficial for your health. It is high on vitamin C that helps build your immune and nervous system. Due to the presence of antioxidants, apples help protect the cells from free radicals.

Beetroot (chukandar): Beetroots are great for your heart and are enriched with nutrients including vitamin A, C, B-complex, iron, potassium, magnesium and copper. They have antioxidants like lycopene and anthocyanins that give this vegetable a deep pink-purple colourc that further helps build our immune system and control the growth of bad cholesterol. According to Mr.Tomar, beetroot provides betalaine which is an anti-inflammatory substance, which helps in protecting our liver. They also contain anti-aging properties. It has soluble fibers that fight the fat stored in our body and help shed those extra kilos.

Carrot: Carrots contain a wide array of nutrients including vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E and K and nutrients such as niacin, folate and pantothenic acid and minerals like phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium and selenium. One of the most important components that make carrots distinct from others is beta-carotene. Our body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A to aid the functioning of the eyes and the immune system. Vitamin A helps in flushing out the toxins from the body and reduces bile and fat from the liver. Interestingly, they also scrape off the plaque and food particles and the minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage.

7 Benefits of the ABC Detox: A Miracle Drink
1. Heart FriendlyThe magical blend combining so many nutrients keeps your heart healthy. Beetroot and carrot in this drink contain lutein, beta-carotene and alpha that help to keep the heart healthy. The two vegetables along with apple help in keeping the blood pressure controlled, protecting the heart from various diseases. The high content of carotenoids is associated with keeping cholesterol levels in check.

The huge amounts of nutrients that go into this detox drink enhance nerve connections and enable a faster response. Consequently, it not only improves the cognition and recall ability, but also enhances concentration and attention span.

The numerous nutrients in the drinks help in boosting immunity system6. Weight LossThe ABC detox drink immensely helps in weight loss as has a low glycemic index and super rich in fibers. It gives you maximum energy with an intake of minimal calories.

Have you tried the ABC detox drink yet? If not, give it a shot and see for yourself.