Did you know that soy milk did not originate in the Americas or it is a preferred milk dairy-free option for baking? If you are everything about Soy milk, then you have landed on the ...
As lactose intolerant people have been shifting from cow milk/ buffalo milk to almond milk and soy milk, there is a conflict over which is the better dairy-free alternative. Almond milk and soy milk do ...
Move over milk! Consuming soy protein during childhood can can prevent bone loss in adulthood, a new study in mice suggests.
Wouldn't you want to enjoy fresh homemade sauces instead of store-bought ones? Try and make soy sauce at home.
The findings showed that women who consumed soy isoflavones regularly saw improvement in biological markers that reflect how effectively the body utilises insulin to process sugar.
The best way to up our protein intake is by regularly eating protein-rich food, whether vegetarian or meat-based in origin. Here's the case for soy and whey proteins.
Packed with protein and yummy spices, soy moong bhajia can be a perfect snack to munch on with your next cup of chai.
This dairy-free source of milk is made solely from soybeans and is a powerhouse of several health benefits.
Women with breast cancer who consumed high amounts of isoflavones had a 21 per cent lower risk of dying than women who consumed low amounts, found a new study.
According to a study, eating a diet rich in both soy protein and isoflavones can protect menopausal women from bone weakening and osteoporosis.