Food Awards

Rebecca Smithers


Content by Rebecca Smithers

    • UK Gym Membership Spending Up by 44%

      Budget gyms with more flexible contracts contribute to increase in membership in last year

    • The Tropical Taste: Island Brew Joins Raft of Craft Beers in UK

      Made from Empetrum rubrum berries of south Atlantic island, ale among those to be quaffed at Great British Beer Festival as microbrewery revolution takes root.

    • UK Tea Sales Fall by More than 6% Over Past Five Years

      Increasing popularity of coffee takes its toll, with sales of ordinary teabags falling from £491m in 2012 to £425m in 2014, according to latest figures

    • The Rout of Trout: How 70s British Dinner Staple Could Disappear from Plates

      UK supermarket warns sales of the fish have steadily declined as shoppers prefer tilapia, pangasius or salmon.

    • Birmingham's Balti Curry to Get Protected Name Status

      The Midlands curry will join the illustrious ranks of champagne and Parma ham as holders of European protected food status.

    • Vegetable Cocktails: Time to Drink Your Greens?

      Trend for fresh vegetable juices moves to alcoholic drinks, using quintessentially British garden flavours such as pea, parsnip, mushroom and even celeriac.

    • Call for Ban on Selling 'Addictive' Energy Drinks to Children

      Action on Sugar research finds that some drinks contain up to 20 teaspoons of sugar more than three times the maximum an adult should consume in a day

    • One in Five Lamb Takeaways Still Contaminated With Other Meat: FSA

      Food watchdog's findings follow Which? tests last year that revealed 40% of lamb takeaways contained undeclared meat - and some contained no meat at all.

    • Jamie Oliver Leads Drive to Buy Misshapen Fruit and Vegetables

      Misshapen but perfectly edible fruit and vegetables that would otherwise go to waste will be sold by Asda at discounted prices in a national trial starting at the end of January.

    • Some Juice Drinks Have More Sugar Than Soft Drinks

      Campaign group says 57 out of 203 supermarket drinks tested had as much sugar as Coca-Cola or moreSupposedly healthy supermarket smoothies and juices aimed at children can contain up to eight teaspoons of sugar - more than one-and-a-half times as much...

    • UK Farmers Warn of Pumpkin Crisis in Runup to Halloween

      Growers say this has been worst pumpkin season in a decade with hundreds of vegetables left rotting in fields after wet weatherUK farmers and producers are warning there could be a shortage of pumpkins in the runup to Halloween, with hundreds of thousands...

    • Don't Buy Wild-Caught Salmon, British Shoppers Told

      Sustainable seafood guide warns over depleting Atlantic salmon stock, but puts mackerel and haddock back on 'Fish to Eat' listBritish consumers are being urged by a marine charity to avoid buying and eating wild-caught salmon because of concerns about...

    • Seafood Labels and Sourcing to Become Clearer Thanks to New Code

      UK scheme backed by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is to allow consumers to check how sustainable their fish and seafood is A scheme to make the labelling and sourcing of sustainable fish clearer and more consistent for shoppers will be unveiled by the industry...

    • Good Beer Guide 2015 Shows UK Has Most Breweries Per Head of Population

      Guide published by Camra reveals there are 1,285 breweries operating in Britain and real ale is popular with younger drinkersThe UK now boasts more breweries per head of the population than any other country in the world, according to a new consumer...

    • Cheese Too Salty and a Risk to Public Health, Study Finds

      Research published in British Medical Journal says halloumi and blue cheese such as Roquefort are among the worst offendersMany popular cheeses on sale in UK supermarkets contain high levels of salt, despite meeting government reduction targets as part...

    • Don't Wash Chicken Before Cooking it, Warns Food Standards Agency

      Bacteria which are responsible for most food poisoning is spread by splashes and droplets of water caused during cleaningThe government's food watchdog has urged consumers to stop washing chicken before they cook it to avoid contaminating their kitchen...

    • Wine and Spirits Getting Stronger Amid Drive to Cut Alcohol Consumption

      Progress report on pledge to remove 1bn units of alcohol from shops shows average ABV of wine and spirits has increasedWine and spirits are getting stronger, official figures show, affecting government efforts to get the drinks industry to remove 1bn...

    • 'Foodie' Brits admit to dining regularly on cereal and pasta

      Despite popularity of cookery shows, almost half of British adults admit to relying on just a handful of meals, poll revealsWe may claim to be a nation of foodies, but a quarter of Britons admit they tuck into cereal for dinner at least once a ...

    • Food waste report shows UK families throw away 24 meals a month

      Report finds Britons are chucking out 4.2m tonnes of food and drink every year that could have been consumedThe average UK family is wasting nearly £60 a month by throwing away almost an entire meal a day, according to a new report that reveals the...

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