Cinnamon Water Benefits: Cinnamon water can be a great addition to your weight loss diet, helping you achieve your desired weight on the scale.
One of the best ways to extract all the goodness from cinnamon is to soak the stick in water and sip on it on a regular basis. Backed by various health experts, cinnamon infused water ...
Cinnamon is widely used to add a distinct flavour to our meals and also comes with several healing properties. Read on to know more.
Cinnamon For Monsoon Immunity: Cinnamon is known for its excellent antioxidant properties, making it a wonder spice for the monsoon season.
Cinnamon has a natural sweetness, which when added to coffee, can help balance out the bitterness of caffeine. Read on.
Cinnamon for weight loss? Is it even possible? Well, it is packed with anti oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, and considered as an "all-in-one" spice.
There are many spices in our stash that are replete with healing health benefits. Cinnamon, for instance, could make for an ideal addition to your glass of milk.
Cinnamon is loaded with antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are known to help lower the rate at which glucose enters the body.
Cinnamon milk: Apart from milk, you can rustle up various other food items with cinnamon.
Drinking cinnamon tea at bedtime may avoid excessive weight gain and may also help in losing some. Even if you are busy with the Christmas or New Year celebrations, adapt this healthy ritual that will ...