Food Awards

Sarika Rana


Content by Sarika Rana

    • Haircare Tips: Use Potato Juice To Grow Long And Lustrous Locks

      Haircare: What is it that potato juice has to offer to our hair and how does it help them grow longer? Let's find out

    • #NewRestaurantAlert: Enjoy Hearty Vegetarian Meals At Burma Burma?s New Outlet In Noida

      The all-vegetarian Burmese restaurant Burma Burma is now set to tickle your taste buds at a brand new location in the national capital region

    • Premenstrual Syndrome: Use Saffron To Prevent Menstrual Cramps During Periods

      We tell you how saffron plays an important role in preventing pain and cramps during periods and how to use it to see effective results

    • World Diabetes Day: 8 Dietary Tips To Manage Diabetes In Kids

      Diabetes has three types, of which type-1 diabetes is a common condition in teens and children. With type-1 diabetes, the pancreas is not able to produce insulin, which is a hormone that helps glucose, or sugar, get into your cells to give them energy

    • Oat Milk: Here's A New Non-Dairy Milk Trend You Must Know About

      What is oat milk really? It is nothing but the liquid form of oats that a health enthusiast may prefer for breakfast. This non-dairy product is said to be great for people who are lactose intolerant, vegan or just watching their weight. Let's look at ...

    • Hypertension: Orange Juice May Help Manage High Blood Pressure Levels

      A glassful of orange juice may replenish your system, but did you know, it may do more than just that? The vitamin C-rich fruit delivers potassium, folate and natural citrus bioflavonoids, all of which are known to support your metabolism and heart health

    • Chef's Table: MasterChef Judge Chef Gary Mehigan Talks About His Love For Indian Food Over A Masterclass

      Chef Gary Mehigan on his love for food and travel, specialities of South Australian cuisine and what he admires most about Indian food.

    • How To Make Anjeer (Fig) Ka Murabba: Simple Recipe To Try At Home!

      Traditionally prepared with fruits, sugar and spices, anjeer ka murabba makes an important part of Indian households and is used extensively for its medicinal properties.

    • Anjeer (Fig) For Weight Loss: How To Use This Fruit To Lose Weight

      Losing weight is all about eating healthy and including low fat and low-calorie foods in your regular diet. One such food is fig (or anjeer), which helps stimulate weight loss and consuming it as a part of a calorie-controlled balanced diet can also cut the ...

    • Does Eating Banana Cause Or Relieve Constipation? Here's What Experts Say

      Some people believe bananas cause constipation, while others swear by them to help relieve it. Here's what we found out.

    • Amla For Diabetes: How To Use The Tangy Goodness To Manage Blood Sugar Levels

      Amla for diabetes: Did you know that amla can be great for managing diabetes too? Surprised? Don't be. Read on to know how Indian gooseberry, or amla, can help manage your sugar levels.

    • How To Cut Jackfruit: Easy Way To Cut Open The Vegetarian Meat!

      Indigenous to India, jackfruit or kathal, as it is popularly known in the country, is a tropical fruit that needs no introductionLearn how to cut a jackfruit along with useful tips to buy and store it.

    • Dragon Fruit For Skin: Here's How You Can Use The Beautiful Fruit To Get A Glowing Skin

      Dragon Fruit For Skin: We have enlisted some amazing benefits of dragon fruit for skin that will convince you to add this fruit to your beauty regime

    • Cardamom (Elaichi) For Weight Loss: 6 Reasons To Add The Wonder Spice To Your Diet

      Attacking the fat in your body, cardamom, an Ayurvedic staple, can rev up your digestive system and reduce conditions like water retention. Let's look at why this spice must be a part of your kitchen closet

    • Essential Health And Diet Tips For Marathon Runners

      We tell you how to keep up with the new changes and how to be nutritionally nourished during and after the marathon. Read on.

    • Should You Soak Fruits In Water? Here's The Answer

      While it is a common tendency to wash any fruit under a briskly running stream of water, there are some people who like to soak them in water for a while. Know why

    • Elaichi (Cardamom) For Dry Cough, Sore Throat & Congestion; Tips and Recipes

      Certain ingredients commonly available in Indian kitchens are known to bring long lasting relief. One of these time-tested ingredients is elaichi or cardamom that has been known to help reduce pain and irritability in the throat

    • How To Use Ghee For Various Home Remedies

      Ghee is all you need to prepare some home remedies for various conditions; ranging from skin and hair problems, to digestive issues and more. We enlist all these home remedies to ensure you use ghee to its full potential

    • 6 Healthy Drinks For Managing High Blood Pressure Or Hypertension

      Healthy Drinks For Hypertension: While there are foods that help manage hypertension, there are certain drinks that may reduce high blood pressure and other cardiovascular conditions.

    • Sadabahar For Diabetes: How To Use This Ayurverdic Wonder To Manage Blood Sugar Levels

      Ayurveda suggests having sadabahar herb, which is also known as periwinkle and vinca rosea. Here's what you need to know about this herb.

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