Food Awards

Ndtv Cooks


Content by Ndtv Cooks

    • Chef Naren Thimmaiah Brings The Taste Of Karavalli's Coastal Delicacies To Delhi-NCR

      Taj Mahal Hotel's Varq Restaurant hosted a special pop-up menu of Karnataka's coastal cuisine curated by Chef Naren Thimmaiah.

    • Simply Delicious: Top 5 Idli Recipes

      Your repertoire of South Indian delicacies may range from Coorgi pandi curry (pork curry) to nadan kozhi varuthathu (spicy chicken fry) but the one which is most popular and world renowned is 'idli'.

    • Michael Jackson's Birthday: What Did He Like to Eat?

      Most of us at some point in our lives have danced to the tunes of 'Thriller', 'Beat It' and 'Black or White.' However not many know that Michael Jackson the 'King of Pop' was a total foodie. We all know about his stardom, his great ...

    • An Extra Dose of This Vitamin May Boost Your Immunity

      According to a latest study published in the journal of Immunology, vitamin E can help regulate an ageing immune system and protect your body against bacterial infections, especially those that cause pneumonia. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that naturally...

    • Overuse of Antibiotics Can Hurt Your Health

      For long health experts have spoken in favour of reducing the number of antibiotics prescribed to patients because overuse may cause resistance which can lead to several secondary infections and allergic reactions. Despite this, antibiotic resistance...

    • International Experts: Yoga Can be Good for Your Heart

      In modern times, heart disease has become more of a lifestyle concern where either people don't have time or luxury tends to make them lazy. That said, there has also been enough evidence to prove that exercise in any form is great to boost your ...

    • Gout Attacks Are More Common at Night: Experts

      Gout is a medical condition which is a severe form of arthritis. It includes sudden attacks of pain, redness, inflammation and tenderness in joints, often the one at the base of the big toe. Men are more susceptible to gout but women may also be ...

    • Magic Mushrooms Found in Buckingham Palace

      Hallucinogenic mushrooms, commonly referred to as magic mushrooms, have been found growing on the grounds of Buckingham Palace. This variety of mushrooms helps in the growth and development of certain trees, but can be poisonous for humans.The species...

    • Low Blood Sugar May Damage Your Heart

      Traditionally high blood sugar levels have been associated with health risks like diabetes and heart diseases. The condition where a person's glucose level is more than the normal limit is known as hyperglycemia. The opposite of the same is known as hypoglycemia,...

    • The Hormone That Makes You Happy Also Makes You Fat

      When you feel like nothing under the sun can bring you down, when you're happy and content, your brain is releasing serotonin. However, it only makes up five percent of the body's total supply. The other 95 percent regulates how your body burns calories...

    • Fructose Increases Your Hunger, Makes You Overeat

      Fructose, found in many foods and beverages may encourage overeating, a new research suggests. The brain responds differently to two forms of sugar, glucose and fructose. Fructose is a simple sugar found in fruit and is added to many foods as 'refined...

    • Eat Potatoes Galore to Lose Weight Now!

      An ingredient that could fight obesity could be sitting in your kitchen already! Researchers have found a simple potato extract may limit weight gain from a diet which is high in fat and refined carbohydrates. The benefits of the extract are due to its...

    • Drinking from Cans Could Shoot Up Your Blood Pressure

      'Can' your favourite drink cause you harm? Yes, especially if it comes from a can. A new study in the journal 'Hypertension' says plastic bottles and cans are generally lined with a chemical called Bisphenol A (BPA), the consumption of which has been...

    • Narendra Modi Gulps an Intoxicating Drink Politely

      Prime Minister Narendra Modi received a hearty welcome in Suva last month, complete with a traditional ceremony where men from the Fijian village - bare-chested and dressed in long grass skirts - performed and sang. Little did he know he'd also be greeted...

    • How Your Grip Strength Changes With Age

      If you're in your 30s, then a simple grip strength test could help identify whether you'll face problems like loss of muscle independence, sarcopenia or even a shorter life-span. A study that appeared in the journal Public Library of Science ONE (PLOS...

    • Orange Juice is Healthier Than We Thought

      It's a well-known fact that orange juice and other citrus fruit juices are healthy, refreshing and really good source of Vitamin C and other antioxidants. But the level of antioxidants found in citrus juices has been gravely misunderstood. According to...

    • Obesity May Take Away Almost a Decade of Your Life!

      Obesity is one the greatest threats to human health. Diseases like diabetes, high blood sugar levels, increased cholesterol levels and a range of cardiovascular diseases have been linked to obesity. According to a recent report issued by the World Health...

    • This Compound in Red Wine May Prevent Cancer

      A certain compound found in red wine, grapes and nuts is believed to have some miraculous properties. Resveratrol has got a lot of attention from health experts and scientists who have been studying the various health benefits associated with it, especially...

    • Controversy Over 'Unsafe' Food Samples from Popular Restaurants in Delhi

      The Delhi High Court has been informed by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) that rice and other food samples collected from three popular eateries in the Capital have been found to be unsafe. The affidavit filed by the department...

    • Wear a T-shirt That Will Track Your Health

      Many of us like to keep a close watch on what we eat and how many calories we consume. That's when fitness and health trackers come into play. With the help of health devices, one can actually keep a track of daily calorie consumption, calories ...

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